Chapter 7

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"How long will he be here?" A Kakushi whispers.

"I don't know, he's got permission from the Insect Pillar and the Master to be here," another answers.

"THE MASTER?!" his comrade swiftly slaps a hand over his mouth. A regretful expression wrinkling his face as all surrounding Kakushi look their way. Even worse, the eyes of the demon they were watching was now set on him.

He swallowed a dry lump in his throat, quickly sprinting away from the entrance.

"Hey! Wait!" His companion wailed pathetically.

"Whatdya want, Huh?" A harsh voice questions.

The abandoned Kakushi looks up to see the silver haired dog demon standing before him, a peeved expression on his face.

The Kakushi's heart rate soars as his breath chokes the syllables of his words, the demon's golden eyes sharpening in the passing silence. "I-the-the- uhmm-tea.. tea!" He gesticulates to the tray in his hand before he places it on the floor dashing away in tears.

Inuyasha watches the man run like a withering weed in the wind, with a confused but only slightly irritated expression. The occupants of the estate have been wary of him since arriving at the Butterfly Estate. He can't say he's not used to it but the comfort of his companions had spoiled him. They needed to get back to the well. Peering back into the room, his eyes landed on the figure of a h/c-haired girl motionless, beneath the covers of the bed.

Walking to your bedside, Inuyasha left the tea where it lay. With the help of Shinobu his visitation was made negotiable as long as he kept out of trouble. Tessaiga remained in the Demon Slayer Headquarters too. Inuyasha itched to reclaim it but they were in no position to negotiate. He looked over your condition. Your hair was loosely laid beneath you, your bloodied clothes replaced with white robes.

This was one of few moments he was left with you. The closest and longest he's ever even stood next to you. You were usually with the company of Sango and Kagome and that short stack Shippo. You're— not bad to look at. Your h/c hair was pretty long and layered softly around your face. It was usually tied back but now it was brushed beside you. Your s/c skin was duller than usual. The usual color being more radiant—at least—that's what most would probably say. Your lashes stooped straight from your eyes unlike Kagome's that seemed to curl upward. Too bad your eyes were closed. It's not until you think about it that you can't seem to remember someone's eye color. E/c, if he wasn't mistaken. You looked soft, sad. Your lips were drawn in a look reminiscent to a frown. His lips contorting to mirror their pout. You looked pretty—pretty vulnerable to the point of annoyance actually! Inuyasha scoffed as he crossed his arms above you. Look at you, sound asleep while his nerves were wearing thin. He could just leave you with Shinobu the doctor! Shinobu the stranger...the stranger with the creepy voice and empty eyes.. skilled with scalpels and poisons.

A churn of his stomach had stopped his train of thought.

Turning from you with a huff, he made his way to the doors facing a courtyard. However annoying the situation may be, he couldn't leave you on your own to a bunch of strangers. Yanking the scarf from the nightstand he wrapped it simply over his head to cover his ears and tied it under his chin. It wasn't the best disguise but it would do for now. Only the Pillars and Estate Kakushi were to be aware of his true identity.

It was a sizeable estate, bigger than he initially believed. There was a yard within a perimeter of bamboo fencing. The ground mostly bare but noticeably maintained. Looking it over he was sure the rest of the gang would've even impressed. His eyes darted to a familiar but surprising sight a few yards away. Your uniform, hung drying on a line, waving loosely in the wind. The sun was bright in the early morning, your uniform glistening with a unique shine.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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