Chapter Four: Curious One

Start from the beginning

"Missy? A girl? You're sleeping over at a girl's house?"

"Yes, but I'm not the only one. See you tomorrow."

She stared at me in disbelief as I walked out the door as if I just told her I was expecting a baby or something. It was funny, yet sad how excited she was that I had made friends in school. I locked the door behind me, and as I was about to dig in my bag to message Romeo, sure enough, he came rolling on the sidewalk.

      He kicked his skateboard up and walked over to me on the steps.

      "Were you drunk the day we went to Missy's?" The thought of him being under the influence that day overpowered my brain attempting to just say hi to him. "How'd you get home?"

      "I'm glad to see you too," he laughed," and I took a cab. By the way, we're calling a taxi right? My feet hurt." As if we'd walk to a house that's an hour away by car.

"Yes, I'm calling now."

I called the cab, then we made small talk while we waited. The car came and we threw our bags in the trunk, and for whatever reason, Romeo kept his skateboard on his lap.

During the car ride, I remembered Missy asking last week if she should invite people. I couldn't remmeber whether I agreed or not, but it did make me question if it was just going to be us three. Would I get to meet more people?

     We arrived at her house, and to both of our surprise, the house was flooded with people. Music blared as I questioned if I was at the same house from last week.

      "What the fuck," Romeo said, then pointing at Missy talking to another boy.

      Missy spotted me and ran at full speed, in heels, to where we were standing.

      "Are you a linebacker," Romeo laughed," because I believe the men's football team is open to new players."

      "Are you trying to call me a man?"

      I snickered as she walked over to what looked to be a security guard in a corner. She brought him over to us and thanked him. I sent my mom a text that I was here and left my phone alone for a few minutes I really did want to enjoy myself with the two of them.

"Give him your bags. He's gonna bring it to 1C, your room you'll be sleeping in."

"I still can't believe your house has apartment numbers for each room," Romeo exclaimed. He turned his head towards the security guard. "Thanks, for both of us." Why did he say thank you for me?

We handed him our bags and followed Missy through the crowd and into the house. For there to be only a few people inside the house, the party must've been originally planned to be outside. I also noticed that most of the kids were from our school.

"You guys want a drink, or anything?"

Romeo gave Missy a death stare. "I thought drinking was just a me and you thing?"

"Why the hell would I ask David if he wants liquor? He doesn't drink. I meant soft drinks you idiot."

"I'll take a sprite," I whispered. I wasn't sure what Missy meant either but I guess I do now. We took a seat in the corner next to the hall way of rooms. It was honestly pretty funny seeing them two argue. One day I'd have to record and show them in the future.

      "You moved on I see."

      I scanned the boy standing infront of Romeo from head to toe. I assumed it was an old friend, but then the words clicked. He wasn't just an old friend, but his ex.

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