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Sofias Pov:

I was just laying in my bed as my friends just canceled our plans to hang out with their partners. I really wish one day I could do the same to them as they have done that so much that I have started to despise their partners, I wish to see why they would do that to me. I always knew I was a les. I just couldn't come out as idk if others would accept me, and I don't want to be an outcast because of it.

A few hours later

Home was way too boring. I just couldn't be home any longer, so I went out. It's weird to leave alone as my friends are usually with me. I didn't even know where to go, but I just went somewhere I wandered around my neighborhood, walking into random stores.
After a while, I was so done with the day and being outside that I was going to go home but not before getting some food. I just simply went to Starbucks even though their really is nothing to eat their I just wanted to go. When I walked in it was like normal but when I left I saw u crying outside sitting on one of the seats outside a restaurant I would have usually ignored someone like that but I didn't that day. I came up to u and just asked, "What's up with u?" Why are u crying?" u just looked at me and said,"When I needed them, they left me, and just because I wasn't what they wanted me to be" all I did was look at u feeling weird as u just told ur me a complete stranger something probably personal about yourself. But I just needed to help u for some reason, and I just took a seat next to u and was ur therapist for a long while.
When u stopped talking about how and why u where in this situation I found out a lot about u but the thing that stuck with me the most is ur family kicked u out because of u liking girls not a les but being bi and to me that seemed out of this world I my eyes. I asked u if their was anyone who would take u in as u didn't want to leave u on the streets tonight, and u were staring at the ground when u said no. Without thinking, I said, "Then stay with me for a bit till u could get someone to take u in, or u can get back on ur feet." I knew u would be hesitant since I'm a complete stranger telling u thing, but I guess u were desperate that u agreed and we went home. Little did I know u would soon become the love of my life, my world, my girlfriend.

480 words, please don't judge the writing. This is my first time trying to write smth that isn't a one-shot

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