26 | The Heiress • Part 3

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Devereaux's movements were a mesmerising display of skill and agility, twirling Ada with an almost ethereal grace that seemed to defy the laws of combat. He effortlessly sidestepped incoming attacks, his every step a calculated evasion that kept Ada safe from the razor-sharp edges of the assailants' weapons.

As Ada moved in tandem with Devereaux, she marvelled at the fluidity of his motions. It was as if he and the shadows were one, seamlessly intertwining to create a mesmerising ballet of evasion and counterattacks. The assailants, relentless in their pursuit, struggled to land a blow on the elusive duo.

The moonlight cast flickering shadows on the battleground, accentuating the dance of darkness and steel. Ada, caught in the midst of this surreal spectacle, clung to Devereaux's movements like a leaf caught in a tempest. Her senses heightened, she could feel the air pulsating with tension, each heartbeat resonating with the rhythm of the confrontation.

As the assailants closed in, their weapons poised to strike, Ada felt a surge of panic gripping her. Devereaux, who had valiantly shielded her until now, was momentarily incapacitated. The imminent danger was palpable, and the distorted voice of the masked figure cut through the tension.

"You are Ada, but you are also a threat. The darkness within you has grown stronger, and we cannot allow it to consume our realm."

Ada's brows furrowed in disbelief. "Darkness within me? I'm trying to protect Romersai from real threats! Why are you attacking me?"

The Guardian Mages remained unyielding, their allegiance seemingly unwavering. Suddenly, a voice from the group holding Devereaux shouted, "Hanna needs her alive!" The vigilant hunter responded with a roar, "She killed my father! Do what you're asked for! You can't break the rules!"

In the midst of the escalating tension, a blinding light emanated from the hollow, brightening the night as if it were day. From the radiant glow, Hanna appeared, her voice cutting through the chaos. "Stop it! Stop it right now!"


Ada and Devereaux were escorted by the Vigilant Hunter and other Guardian mages. The frowning figure in the group eyed the two with distrust, his every step resonating with reluctance. Hanna led the way, her strides deliberate, creating an atmosphere of caution and wariness.

Inside the sanctum, the atmosphere was both serene and charged with an underlying energy. The tall, arched corridors adorned with intricate runes on the walls created an ethereal glow. The soft hum of magical energy permeated the air, and the fragrance of ancient spells lingered.

"What brings you back to Luna Sanctum at this hour?" she began, her voice measured, "And why is he here? As far as I know no one is dead here." Her gaze shifted to Devereaux, a hint of suspicion lingering. She observed how the amber in the Dark Lord grew with her remark.

Ada took a deep breath, attempting to convey sincerity in her words. "You know so very well why."

"I'm not sure," Hanna replied, her eyes meeting her perplexed ones.

Ada couldn't fathom the sudden change in Hanna's demeanour. The cryptic response left her unsettled, and a wave of frustration surged within her. Hanna, who had always been a pillar of support, now stood as a cryptic enigma. Ada felt a pang of disappointment, her confusion transforming into a mixture of hurt and defiance. Her frustration reached a boiling point. She couldn't comprehend the sudden distrust, and it manifested in a fiery outburst.

"What's up with you guys?" Ada exclaimed, her voice carrying the weight of frustration. "He-he just tried to kill me!" She pointed accusingly at the vigilant hunter, her eyes blazing with a mix of anger and confusion.

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