Part One: Soft Spot

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The lights at the Hazbin Hotel were still on, despite it being the witching hour. Husk had been shining the same three glasses for the past six hours while he waited, but he must have dozed off at some point because he woke up to the feeling of someone scratching his head. It felt nice, so at first he didn't open up his eyes, just stirred a little, getting more comfortable. But the hand left his head so he blinked his bleary eyes to ask whoever it was to keep going. That's when he saw Angel Dust sitting at his bar.

"Awe~ Did the kitty have a nice cat nap?" He teased with those big eyes of his.

Startled, Husk's hand immediately went to his head, only to find his hat was still there. Had it been a dream then? But if his head had been resting on the bar, how did the hat stay on?

"You lose something, puss?" Angel asked, seeing the confusion on Husk's face.

"N-no." Husk said, collecting himself, "You're here awfully late."

Angel groaned, "Don't I know it. I swear, you let time slip by on a lunch break once and then you're stuck there diddling random holes 'til morning! That fucking shithead won't let me enjoy some pizza in peace!"

"You kiss your mother with that mouth?" Husk teased, as he poured a drink for Angel.

"Yeah, and I'll kiss you too. . . I'll even give you a special discount if you pour me two more of those." Angel walked his fingers up Husk's arm.

Husk brushed him off, and started polishing his glasses again, "You know that won't work on me."

Angel slammed his fists on the counter, looking exasperated, which was not what Husk had been expecting, "So what exactly would work on you?! I've unloaded my whole arsenal of seductive weapons on you, something you should feel honored that I would even waste my time on, by the way, and nothing has worked!" He threw his hands in the air for emphasis, "And I didn't know that was possible for someone who isn't ace or straight!"

"And who said I wasn't either of those things?" Husk asked, frowning.

Angel raised an eyebrow, scanning him up and down, then stared down the fibber in front of him ". . . Really?"

"Tch." Husk blushed, putting down the glass in his hands, "Well maybe the problem is that you, yourself view your advances as a weapons and attacks."

"What the f**k is that supposed to mean?" Angel crossed all his arms.

"It means . . ." Husk sighed, trying to put it into words, "It means, that all your flirting is just a defense mechanism. But we're not at war. How can I take anything you say seriously when it's literally all you ever say?"

Angel looked shocked, "That's not true! We've been talking 'real talk' more often recently!" He felt more upset than he expected and found himself pouting, "I thought you'd have noticed."

"Yeah, well I assume that when you do fall back on your sexual comments, it means you've had a particularly shitty day." Husk leaned on the counter, "You could just say that you know."

Angel Dust stood angrily, "That's not-! I don't-! Okay today happened to be a really shitty day but that's not- . . . That's not what's happening right now!"

Husk tilted his head looking up at him, "Then . . . What is happening right now?"

Angel took a step back, a big blush spreading across his face, "Well, I could ask you why you're still up here, serving drinks, waiting up for me!" Some hands landed on his hips while others pointed fingers.

Husk's ears twitched back for a second as he was surprised and feeling a little threatened.

"Wha- uh- Wha-?!" He let out a low growl, "Charlie was worried about you! She wasn't going to shut up about it so I told her I'd stay up until you got back."

He picked up a glass and pointed at him, " Don't read anything into it."

Angel raised an eyebrow and leaned down to see him on eye level, "Mmhmmm. Seems like a lot of effort to shut her up. Surely some crayons and paper would have done the trick."

"Oh, come on! You told me last week about how you had a threesome just to shut someone up." Husk motioned emphatically.

"Yeah, but that tracks for me. But you? Staying up late worrying about someone." He leaned on the counter, "Some might think the kitty had a . . . Soft spot?"

He booped Husk's nose, who immediately stumbled back rubbing it angrily, "Fuck! That was a dirty move . . ."

"Huh? I barely touched yah!" Angel glanced at his finger confused.

"Look here!" Husk marched to him and pressed his own pointer finger to Angel's chest, "I wouldn't waste my time waiting up for you to get back, okay?! I have better shit to do than to wait on your ass."

Angel stood back to his full height and fluffed his hair, "Tsk . . . Whatever! I'm going to bed!"

"So am I! And next time, you can pour your own damn drink!" Husk shouted as he walked away.

"Maybe I will! Good night!" Angel shouted back.

"Good night!" Husk returned.

As they both went back to their rooms, the same thought played in both their heads, "What the fuck was that about?"

Husk would struggle sleeping due to the guilt of having fought with Angel after what was clearly a rough night at work, and hoping he knew he didn't mean it.

Angel would fall asleep in his clothes the moment his head hit the pillow. Once he woke up, he would spend a good chunk of time googling cat noses, cat facts, cat demon facts, and would end up down a rabbit hole in an article about how to pleasure a pussy from hell. Due to its vague language and his still tired brain, he would read all of it before realizing that it wasn't talking about that kind of pussy.

VikTheViking on Ao3 Quotev and ko-fi
VikTheViking1 on Tumblr and Wattpad

If you like this story, please bookmark it, leave kudos, and subscribe to show your support! I also have a Helluva Boss Blitz x Stolas Series and another HuskerDust One-shot you can read. Consider following me on Tumblr for giving your input on polls and more Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss content.

Soft Spot: A HuskerDust StoryWhere stories live. Discover now