"I ain't waitin' all night," Thunderhoof said.

Chief Burns made an 'oh' face and stepped onto the open palm. Thunderhoof lifted his servo, human safely holding on, back to the berth. Chief Burns stepped off his lift, right next to Steeljaw's daughter. The pup opened her optics, and once she saw their visitor, got to her paws and started begging for attention.

"Heh, easy there, girl! Good girl!" Chief Burns laughed quietly, diligent hands rubbing her ears.

"She seems to like you humans," Thunderhoof admitted, watching the young Cybertronian and elder human interact with an unprecedented fondness. "Don't know why, though. I just hope I don't have to teach her anythin' about yous."

"Because of our different species, or because you two were never supposed to be here?"

Thunderhoof was rendered speechless, the reply not being what he expected.

And as much as he wanted to be mad, he couldn't bring himself to be.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said it like that," Chief Burns apologized, moving on from the ears to the pup's neck.

"Eh, no need to be sorry about sayin' anythin'," Thunderhoof shrugged. He reset his vocalizer when he realized his voice sounded hollow.

"I understood what ya meant, and you're right. If it weren't for what happened, the bitlit and I wouldn't even be here."

Thunderhoof vented and leaned back a bit.

"Nothin' we can do about it 'cept wait."

"And pray for your friends' safety," Chief Burns added.

"They ain't my friends," Thunderhoof snipped.

Steeljaw's daughter whined when Chief Burns stopped petting her. His full attention had turned to Thunderhoof, though he allowed the pup to place her head under his hand.

"If not your friends, then your family," Chief Burns stated. Thunderhoof looked at him with a puzzled expression.

"Not to throw my youngest under the bus, but Cody did mention that you admitted to having a not-so-conventional family."

"'Course he did," Thunderhoof scoffed, smiling. "I ain't gonna make a big deal about it. I've..."

He stopped talking, unsure of whether he should say what he's thinking.

"Cody is winning you over, too," Chief Burns finished for Thunderhoof, startling him.

"How did..."

Chief Burns chuckled.

"Because, it happens to every Cybertronian who meets him."

Thunderhoof vented a sigh of relief.

"At least I ain't the only one."

The mech and man fall into a bout of silence, allowing their thoughts and feelings to sort themselves out. Unbeknownst to their inner workings, Steeljaw's daughter begs for extra attention. Having gotten his second wind, Chief Burns resumes his work of petting her.

Thunderhoof watched for a little while.

– short timeskip –

"Is the pup part of your family?" Chief Burns suddenly asked.

Snapped back to reality, Thunderhoof turned his attention to the human and the bitlit. Steeljaw's daughter had spent more than enough of her energy on her excitement for attention that she tuckered herself right out. She curled into a ball next to where Chief Burns was sitting, laying her tail across her snout. Golden yellow optics dulled before closing.

"You said you were watching her as a favor to an associate of yours, but trusting someone with the care of a child, especially your own, is not something to be taken lightly."

"Meaning?" Thunderhoof asked, even though he had an inkling of what the answer would be.

"You and this other Cybertronian are more than just associates," Chief Burns stated. "I doubt they would have left their kid with just anyone."

The two held optical contact for a moment.

Chief Burns broke first, closing his eyes briefly and sighing.

"Listen, Thunderhoof, from father to caretaker..."

He reached out and placed his hand on cool plating.

"I understand what you are going through, and if you need any help, feel free to ask."

Thunderhoof blinked. These humans just keep throwing surprises right and left, leaving very little room for him to expect anything other than the unexpected.

Which makes things a whole lot more interesting.

"Thanks," Thunderhoof whispered, genuinely meaning it. Chief Burns smiled and patted the Cervicon's leg.

"Anytime," he said, then pulled out his phone to check the time. "Well, I should be heading to bed soon..."

Chief Burns stood and stretched his back.

"Unless you want to talk about anything else?"

Thunderhoof mulled it over quickly.

"Spare a little bit longer?"

Chief Burns looked up and smiled.

"I can do five minutes."

Thunderhoof, only slightly surprising himself, returned the favor. He smiled, but didn't retain optical contact. His gaze focused on nothing in particular.

"My associate is Steeljaw, and he's the bitlit's carrier, or in human terms, mother. The sire – the father – is Ramulus, an old friend of Steeljaw's, back in the early days of the War. No one really knows their full history. Neither of them wants to talk about it."

"And you think whatever is going on has something to do with their past?" Chief Burns asked.

"When we were ambushed, Steeljaw said as much, and not wanting anyone else to get caught up in the mess he said he thought he left behind a lifetime ago, he handed me the bitlit and told me to get out of there, preferably off of the planet."

"Was there anyone else there to help?"

"His mate and his brother, about the only two 'Cons he trusts."

Thunderhoof vented.

"Unfortunately, they were also the only two 'Cons who were connected to Steeljaw's past. The rest of us didn't know Steeljaw until after the crash."

Chief Burns hummed.

"Not to sound rude, but why you? Out of all the others, why did Steeljaw choose you?"

Thunderhoof grimaced. He turned to face Chief Burns, and raised a servo to his slashed insignia.

"I was the first. The first 'Con to be recruited. To be initiated into the new Pack. I was with him through it all. Well, almost all of it. Anytime I wasn't stuck in a stasis pod, that is."

Thunderhoof chuckled and lowered his servo.

"I suppose he trusted me on some level or another, not that he'd ever admit it."

Chief Burns approached Thunderhoof's servo and placed his hand on one of its digits.

"He still does. He wouldn't have given charge of his daughter to you otherwise. He knows you'll be strong, and that you will protect her, no matter what. If anything, I believe he trusts you now more than ever."

Thunderhoof doesn't say anything, allowing the Chief's words to sink into his processor. Instead, he offers a smile and nods, then holds out his palm for the human to climb onto. He returns Chief Burns to the floor, and keeps an optic on him as he leaves. The other lights shut off not long after he exits the med-bay.

Feeling exhausted himself, and being left with a lot to think about, Thunderhoof decides to call it a night and slips into recharge, but not before draping his servo over Steeljaw's daughter like a blanket – again – and pulling her close to his side.

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