Frequently Asked Questions

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Are you open to new members?

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Are you open to new members?

Yes! Unless we state otherwise, we are always open to new members. Please see the Form chapter for instructions on how to sign up.

If you are interested in our other book clubs, we also have the Phoenix Guild and Unicorn Guild book clubs available on our profile!

What stories are eligible to participate?

Any stories written for the ongoing Open Novella Contest (ONC) are eligible to participate. Stories must have an initial publishing date on or after February 1 of this year. (This can be found on desktop by hovering over the "Ongoing" or "Complete" tag on a story's description page.) You will be asked to share which prompt(s) you are using.

Even if a story does not make the word count milestone deadlines, is cut from the competition, or is not submitted to the contest, it is still eligible for this book club! This book club is meant to be an encouraging and fun community activity.

For more information on ONC, please visit their profile: OpenNovellaContest

Do stories need to have a minimum number of chapters to participate?

At this moment, there is no minimum number of chapters required to participate. It just means there will be less chapters for other members to read, and your assignment will remain the same (minimum of 3 chapters with at least 4 comments per chapter).

What counts as a chapter?

Any chapter with substantial, narrative content. You make the call when reading; it's suggested that, for example, if you're reading a very short prologue (i.e. 400 words), don't try to force your comments. Just move on to the first chapter and do your assignment like normal. We won't penalize you if the chapter genuinely isn't long enough to leave good comments. Non-narrative chapters such as author's notes, character aesthetics, and content warnings do not count as chapters for the purposes of this club.

Does length matter for the comments?

No, but we both know whoever is receiving your comments will be very disappointed if you're just saying, "Great grammar!" or "Nice dialogue!" Make your comments effortful, and it will pay off for you.

To meet the minimum requirement, at least four comments per chapter must be thoughtful and insightful. For comments on a Partner Chapter, you may either leave 4 constructive inline comments + 1 constructive outline comment, OR 10 quality comments.

What are quality comments?

Quality comments are thoughtful and insightful comments left on a story. They are more than just "LOL" or multiple emojis. They show you are actively reading and have opinions and reactions about the narrative.

For assignments, you may make non-quality comments, but they will not be counted towards the minimum requirement.


Quality comment: "The way you described the emotions here is so realistic and relatable! Great job!"

Non-quality comment: "lol mood"

What are constructive comments?

Constructive comments are a step higher than "quality comments" and must have useful or beneficial purposes. Not only do they show you are actively reading, but they also provide the author with feedback on what you think works well or needs improvement. Please be respectful and understanding when providing constructive comments.

For partner chapters, you may either leave 4 constructive inline comments + 1 constructive outline comment, OR 10 quality comments.


This section is giving us an appropriate amount of information that's relevant to the character's current situation without feeling like an info dump. It was well-executed.

The transition into this observation felt a little drastic. It looks like we had a time jump from the previous scene, so this section feels a little out of place without some sort of indication that there's a break in time.

(Thank you to JustAWannabeWriter30 for these amazing examples!)

What are outline comments? What about inlines?

Outlines are comments done outside the main text of the story. This means they are not attached to a paragraph; rather, they are done using the bottom of the chapter where there's a general comment adder. This is where you'll put your constructive criticism comment if you're doing a Partner assignment.

Inlines are the opposite. They're attached to specific lines in the chapter. These are the comments that are required for every assignment. It's typically 4+ inline comments per chapter. To add an inline comment, on desktop, hover your mouse over a line and click the plus sign to the right of the paragraph. On mobile, press the plus sign to the right of the paragraph.

Do I have to vote on what I read?

No. Only vote if you enjoyed it. But it can brighten someone's day if you do vote—we cannot require you to vote, though.

Do I have to leave a tag in my comment?

The official tag for our book club is ABC (I know), but you can use any tag that would direct someone back to this club. So, for example, you'd say #ABC, and continue on with your comment as normal. This is by no means required, but appreciated for exposure.

How do Partners work?

If you like a member's story, you can ask them to be your partner. Partnering with another member will ensure you receive reads.

To ask someone to partner with you, leave an inline comment in your section under "Partners" and politely tag them with your request! If someone refuses, please respect their decision.

What is the Discord server?

Our Discord server, The Writer's Hoard, is a marvelous server with fellow writers and readers. It's a tight-knit community that's open to everyone with contests, write togethers, movie nights, game nights, and much more. There's a lot of writing help as well, if that's what you're looking for. For more information, the link is in our Carrd in our bio!

I want to join! Where do I sign up?

Awesome! See the "Forms" chapter to sign up, and we can't wait to have you!

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