"that would make a great movie."

"huh? a movie? girlfriend gets stabbed in one eye by boyfriend- even though it isn't boyfriend's fault -and plot twist; boyfriend is hitman?"

"yes. precisely."

"okay buddy."

"yeah. it'd be a total block-buster."

"...of course it would be."

"yep. wanna know why?"

"why?" tom asked, giving in.

"because spider-man's in it."

he tilted his head, confused.

"you! you're the lead!"

"hmm. i would make a good boyfriend. i'd capture that role perfectly."

"what? no. you'd be the girlfriend."

"then who'd be the boyfriend?"

"downey. duh. how else would it be a total block-buster?"

"well, i think it'd be one because i'm in it."

"yeah, but downey."

"but holland."

"mmmm... no. fine. maybe a bit. the girls are crazy for you."

"like you?"

"i wouldn't say crazy. maybe momentarily fazed, but even that's far-fetched. i'd say you're the one who's crazy for me."

"well, you aren't mistaken," he murmured, pressing a kiss to your cheek, which in turn made you giggle. "wait, why'd you stop me?"

"oh, right. because you have to get my hair wet first."

"ohhh. wait, really?"

"generally speaking, have you ever gotten a haircut?"


"okay then. anyways, do it."

"sure," he finished the last bit of his tea, before rinsing it out.

"what are you doing? why are you washing the mug in the bathroom sink? i feel like this is a valid question."

"because i'm not trying to get tea on you."

"wait, i don't get it."

once second you were nice, content, and dry. (well, as content as you could be.)

and the next you were soaking wet.

you looked up at him, jaw dropping as you moved your wet hair to one side of your face. "you. did. not."

"what? you said you needed the hair wet!"

"so you dumped a cup of tea on me?!"

"no, i dumped a mug of water on you that was originally filled with tea," upon seeing your face, he tried to amend, "but, hey, at least... you're wet?"

"no. i'm not. this wasn't arousing."

"that's not what i meant!"

"there was a spray bottle under the sink!" at hearing your words, tom turned around and open the cupboard.

"oh, yeah. there is. isn't that crazy?" he pulled it out and started to fill it.

"well, how's it matter now?"

"i just want to be thorough," he nodded, causing you to glare at him.




"okay," you sighed, "c'mon short-stack, let's get this over with."

"i'm taller than you," tom deadpanned.

"i'm... relatively... average hight."

he frowned at that, but you continued, "you, kid, are also relatively average height. for a woman."

"hey! i'm also older than you!"

"okay," you shrugged.

"don't test me, i'll shave off your head," he threatened.

"you'd never."

he dangled the scissors in front of you, a smirk on his face. "watch me."

"god! just cut it already!"

"okay, okay. impatient much?"

and because you were working on your anger management, you didn't sock him in the face. you really considered it, though.

he snipped at your hair, grinning. tommy made you close your eyes the entire time, claiming that it had to be a surprise. surprise.

"ta-da! all done!"

it... it wasn't terrible. it sucked, but it could have been worse. obviously, though, you weren't having it like that to tom's premiere tonight.

you inhaled, grabbing him by the sides of his face.

"this, babes," a pause, "is why you should stick to acting."

"in my opinion, it's not half bad."

"no, no, it's definitely more than half bad."

"beggars can't be choosers," tom said, closing his eyes and crossing his arms.

"i don't think that works in this scenario."


"yeah, okay." you turned to your phone, which buzzed beside you.

your mouth fell agape, and your eyes widened.

leo (hair person)

i know it's short notice, but something came up. so sorry!

you looked him dead in the eye; "where's the razor?"

peter parker/tom holland imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now