2| Fearless and confident

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The night breeze whispered gently through the trees at Mitsuri's place. The dim light from colorfully painted paper lanterns danced in the room, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. Mitsuri had prepared a plentiful and delicious dinner. The aroma of the dishes wafted through the air, awakening my appetite. The table was adorned with fresh flowers and small candles, giving a special touch to the evening. Mitsuri sat across from me, her characteristic friendly smile illuminating the room. Despite everything, I couldn't manage to draw a smile on my face.

"(Y/n), you seem a bit off. Is everything okay?" Mitsuri asked, genuine concern in her eyes.

I hesitated for a moment, then sighed, "I don't know, Mitsuri. Today's training with Shinazugawa... I couldn't keep up. Maybe I'm not cut out for this."

Mitsuri placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Don't be too hard on yourself. Shinazugawa can be tough on new Hashiras, but it's his way of testing our mettle. What happened out there?"

I glanced away, struggling to put my feelings into words. "I just feel like I'm not living up to the expectations of being a Hashira. Maybe I don't deserve this title."

Mitsuri's eyes softened, and she gave me an understanding nod. "I used to feel the same way when I first became a Hashira. It's a lot of pressure, and everyone expects so much from you. But you have to believe in yourself, (y/n)." She paused, then added, "Shinazugawa was fighting you with all his might. He might not show it, but I could see it. Even he can get tired."

I furrowed my brows, surprised. "Really? But he seemed so composed."

Mitsuri chuckled, "Shinazugawa is always on guard, especially with new Hashiras. He's a bit skeptical at first, but deep down, he respects strength. You just need to give him some time. He'll come around and accept you, just like he did with the rest of us."

I sighed, still unsure. "I hope you're right. It's just hard not to doubt myself after today."

Mitsuri squeezed my shoulder reassuringly. "It's normal to doubt" she said. "But remember, the fact that you're here as a Hashira means the Master sees something in you. And I believe in you too. You'll prove yourself in time, and Shinazugawa will see your true worth."

As Mitsuri's words sank in, I couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope. Maybe, with time and perseverance, I could overcome my doubts and earn the acceptance of my fellow Hashiras. The journey was challenging, but as Mitsuri had shown me, the bonds forged along the way were the pillars of strength that would support me in the battles yet to come.

For the next two days, my training with Shinazugawa continued relentlessly. In each session, the guy humiliated me without mercy, exploiting every weakness and flaw in my technique. Despite his increasing difficulty in keeping up with my pace, he still managed to maintain his defensive edge, leaving me frustrated and disheartened.

Every attempt to strike him ended in failure. Shinazugawa dodged, blocked, and countered my attacks effortlessly, making me feel like I was useless. The more I tried, the more obvious it became that I wasn't anywhere near his level. But still, a spark of determination kept pushing me to keep going.

Despite the humiliation, there was a tiny bit of good news. Shinazugawa, too, showed signs of getting tired after each intense session. His attacks, while still on point, didn't have the same fire as when we started. It was clear that keeping up with my relentless pace was taking a toll on him. Still, not once did I manage to land a single hit on him.

As the days went on, my muscles were screaming, and exhaustion settled in, but my stamina held up. I found some comfort in my ability to endure, a small victory in the face of overwhelming defeats. Even though I couldn't brag about beating Shinazugawa in a fight, I could at least boast about standing my ground, proving that my determination matched, if not surpassed, his own.

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