1| Thunder Hashira

Start from the beginning

Shinazugawa, always skeptical, raises an eyebrow. "Why bother with all this, Master? We're already strong as it is."

The Master, with calm resolve, responds, "Strength is relative. In the face of evolving threats, we must adapt. Learning from one another will make you not only stronger individually but also a more cohesive and formidable force.

Tengen adds his playful tone, "Sounds like the boss wants us to become one big happy family!"

The Master chuckles, "Let's not go that far, Tengen. But unity is indeed crucial for the challenges that lie ahead."

Shinobu, ever thoughtful, queries, "What challenges are you foreseeing, master?"

The Master's expression turns more serious. "I have a hunch that something significant, perhaps even dangerous, is on the horizon. Strengthening our ranks now will prepare us for whatever comes our way."

Murmurs of agreement and understanding ripple through the group. Rengoku nods in approval, "If the Master says we need to be ready, then we better get ready!"

The master concludes, "Continue to hone your skills, cultivate camaraderie, and be vigilant. The demons may be dormant for now, but I sense a storm on the horizon. Stay strong, Pillars, for the challenges ahead will require every ounce of your strength."

And so, beneath the sunlight, I take to heart the patron's words.

"My daughters will provide you with the training schedule."

The patron's words linger in the air as they take their leave, leaving the courtyard with a renewed sense of purpose. Mitsuri, with her usual effervescence, turns to me with a gleam in her eye. "Hey, (y/n), I'm itching for a good training session. What do you say we go a few rounds?"

A smile forms on my face as I eagerly agree, "Absolutely, Mitsuri! I'm always up for some training with you."

However, before Mitsuri and I can make our way to the sparring grounds, a firm voice interrupts our plans. "Hold on, Thunder Hashira. According to the boss's orders, you'll be training with me first."

I turned to see Shinazugawa standing with a stern expression. The mention of training with Shinazugawa sparks a twinge of unease within me. Despite the resolve to face demons head-on, dealing with Shinazugawa's intense demeanor has always been a challenge.

Mitsuri, still bubbling with enthusiasm, pouts playfully, "Oh, come on, Shinazugawa-san! Can't you let them off the hook just this once? I really wanted to spar with (y/n)."

Shinazugawa shoots her a glare, unyielding. "Rules are rules, Kanroji. She'll train with me first."

I shuffle nervously, my timidity surfacing. "Um, it's okay, Mitsuri. I can train with Shinazugawa-san first. No problem."

As Mitsuri heads off with a playful wink and a promise to catch up later, I turn my attention to Shinazugawa, unsure of how to approach him. "So, uh, how should we... start?"

Shinazugawa's expression remains stoic, "We're sparring, not having a tea party. Just show me what you've got."

Both of us headed towards the training area. I couldn't even mentally prepare myself for the fight when Shinazugawa threw a wooden katana at me that I barely managed to catch mid-air. Before I could make any move, I caught a glimpse of Shinazugawa rushing towards me. Thanks to my quick reflexes, I managed to dodge him, but he had caught me off guard. Shinazugawa didn't give me a moment's respite, not even upon seeing my surprised expression at his swift readiness to fight. He charged at me again, this time managing to graze my side.

"Come on, what the hell are you waiting for to hit back? Or are you tired already?" he growled at me.

"I was just getting ready" I responded.

Shinazugawa wasted no time, launching a series of swift attacks. His blade sliced through the air with precision, each movement calculated to test my reflexes. I blocked, dodged, and parried to the best of my ability, the clash of our swords echoing in the training grounds.

He spoke with an intensity that matched his relentless strikes. "And you call yourself the Thunder Pillar? You're too slow. Demons won't wait for you to catch up."

The weight of his words spurred me into action. I pushed myself to match his speed, focusing on anticipating his movements. Despite my efforts, a powerful strike caught me off guard, sending me stumbling backward. Shinazugawa's expression remained unyielding.

I was nervous, and that's why I couldn't focus. I've never been completely confident in my abilities, even after meeting the requirements to become a Hashira. Not even when the master assured me that I was strong and had great potential. Deep down, I know that one day I'll make a mistake, and some demon will kill me. They only chose me as a Hashira to fill the gap left by my grandfather, Jigoro Kuwajima, years ago. I eagerly await the moment when Zenitsu and Kaigaku take over, so I can finally end this charade. It was clear that I didn't deserve the position.

Shinazugawa yelled at me. "Hey, what the hell are you doing? Focus! Aren't you a Pillar now?"

It's true, now I'm a Pillar and I must act as such. I have to give my maximum effort even though I don't feel worthy of the position. The next exchange was more heated, the clash of blades echoing louder. My breath quickened, and sweat dampened my brow as I struggled to keep up. 

In a brief respite between strikes, I dared to ask, "Any advice on improving my form?"

He scoffed, "Your form's a mess. Keep your guard up, and stop telegraphing your moves. A demon would have torn you apart by now."

I knew he was being tough on me on purpose, but I couldn't help but shiver at his words. Despite having killed more than fifty demons, I was a disgrace to the Thunder Pillar's reputation.  Suddenly, Mitsuri appears. She watched from the sidelines, cheering and offering occasional words of encouragement.The training continued, a dance of blades and a symphony of grunts and strikes. As the session neared its end, Shinazugawa delivered a final, powerful strike I couldn't blocked. 

Shinazugawa's expression darkened as frustration simmered beneath the surface. "You can't even handle a simple attack. Are you sure you're Pillar material?"

I scrambled to my feet, a mix of embarrassment and determination fuelling my resolve. "I can do better. I just need more practice."

His scoff cut through the air. "Practice won't cut it if you can't even handle a basic strike. Maybe you're not cut out for this after all."

Mitsuri, sensing the tension, stepped forward, "Shinazugawa-san, give (y/n) a break. We're all here to improve."

He glared at me, his frustration evident. "Improvement requires more than just words. You need to prove yourself in battle."

As the sun dipped below the horizon, signaling the end of our session, I couldn't shake the lingering disappointment in Shinazugawa's eyes. The sting of defeat and the weight of his unspoken words pressed on me. Mitsuri, with a reassuring smile, offered a hand, "Don't let it get to you, "(Y/n)." Shinazugawa can be tough, but you'll bounce back."

As I nodded, the words of the patron echoed in my mind. The challenges ahead were not only external threats but also the internal struggles of proving my worth as a Pillar. And so, with the echoes of our clash still lingering, I looked ahead to the horizon, ready to face whatever lay in wait for the Demon Slayer Corps, determined to rise above the doubts that lingered in the shadows.

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