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Omgosh, I'm gonna die, I'm so nervous.
Today I'm going to England for a year, A YEAR, without seeing my family. What if I chicken out and want to go home? No I can't I-
"COMING!" I shouted back.
I was standing and brushing my teeth, I quickly spat out the toothpaste and ran to my wardrobe to put on some clothes. I ended up with some grey sweatpants and a black hoodie.

I took all my bags and ran down the stairs.
"Great you're here, now chop chop get out to the car. I'm just gonna give Nola (our dog) some food before we head to the airport." My mom said and went in to the kitchen to give Nola dog food.

I walked to the car and packed it with all my bags, then I went to the passenger seat and plugged my phone in the car and started to play some music.

My mom came shortly after, got in the car and drove off.
"Are you nervous?" My mom asked me, cause I was bumping my leg up and down. I thought she wouldn't notice since we have music on. But she knows me very well, and know when something's up.
"Yeah actually I'm very nervous, like what if I do t get Andy friends? What if the family I'm gonna live with doesn't like me? What if they're not there when I arrive? What-" They are gonna pick me up from the airport when I arrive in England, because my mom couldn't follow me there cause she had to head to work right after my flight came.
"Okay Bella stop, you're worrying too much, I promise you you're gonna have the best time of your life there and the family you're gonna live with already loves you, and I promise they'll be there and wait on you when you arrive. I talked to the mom that lives there and she seems so nice. Her name is Anne and she is very excited about you coming." My mom caught me off.
"Yeah okay, I guess." I say still thinking of how it would be when I'm there.

When we finally arrive at the airport, I climb out of the car and me and my mom take my bags with us in.
The flight is gonna be here at 12am in the morning and now it's 9am, I don't really understand why all parents want to arrive at the airport so so so early, like what's the point of waiting 3 hours?!

We went and checked in and checked in my luggage and everything.
When we were done with all that, it was about 2 hours left until the flight came.
I took out my book I brought with me and stranded to read.

"I'm gonna go the Starbucks around the corner, you want anything?" My mom asked me after about 20 minutes of reading.
"Yeah, I'll take a grande iced vanilla latte, with a shot of that caramel creamer (A/N see what I did there;)) thanks." I said looking up from my book.
After a little while she came back with my latte
And handed it to me.
"Thanks mum."
"Welcome hun."


It's happening, I'm boarding the plane now. When I said goodbye to my mom she started to cry and of course I couldn't hold back my tears.
So now i'm getting on the plane with bright red eyes, and people are staring. A lot.
But to be honest I couldn't give a single shit. I'm gonna miss my mom and Nola lot, but I know that I've been nagging about this for years and years and now it's finally happening.

I walk down the isles to my seat and I thank the lucky stars that I have a window seat.
This flight is gonna be long, 10 hours and 32 minutes to be exact. (A/N she is flying from LA to London).
I plug my headphones into the little tv in front of me and put on a movie.
Luckily there's no one sitting next to me, and that means I have three seats for myself.


I'm landing now. Holy shit, no actually holy fucking shit. Im here I'm in London.
The plane lands and everyone is starting to get their things and walk out of the plane, and I do the same.
When I'm at the airport I see a lady in their mid 30s waving hysterically at me, I walk up to them and the lady says
"Hi, you are Bella? Right?"
"Umm, yep that me haha." I say
"Great! Welcome to England, we're so happy to have you here." The mom says
"Sorry I haven't even introduced us yet, sorry haha, I'm Anne, this is Gemma," she reaches out her hand and i shake it.
"Nice to meet you." She says with a smile on her lips
"Nice to meet you Gemma." I say back with a smile
"And I'm Harry, nice to meet you" A boy my age says and reaches out his hand and I again shake it
"Hi Harry, nice to meet you too." I say
"Yes this is Harry and you will go to the same school as him." Anne says
I look at him again and he smiles at me, omg he has dimples. I thought. That's the cutest thing ever.
"Right then showed we head home?." Anne asks and started to pick up some of my bags.
I take the rest of my things and follow Anne to the car. We get in and she started to drive off.

In the mean time I take my phone out of my pocket and text mom that I've arrived. I don't get any reply back, so I guess that she is sleeping already.
"Are you nervous?" Harry ask me.
"Actually now I'm not that nervous anymore, but I bet I will be tonight and tomorrow." I say and look over at him. He is sitting beside me in the back seat.
"Yeah, if you want to I can introduce you to my friends, if that would make you feel any better?" He asks. Wow he is actually very nice to me.
"I'm sure, if it okay with your friends, I mean I don't wanna be in the way." I answer.
" I promise you, you will not be in the way, we are both boys and girls in the friend group if that makes you feel any better to know that there's also girls?"
"Yeah a little, thank you." I say with a smile on my lips. He gives me a dimpled smile back.


When we get to the house everyone is helping me with my stuff and bringing it in to the house.

When we get into the house all I can smell is vanilla and warmth, I love it.
"Here I'll show you to your new room" Harry says.
I follow him upstairs and into my new room.
It's not that big, but it's not that small. It kinda looks like my room at home, I like it.
There's a bed on the right side of the room and a bedside table on the left side of it, window on the left side of the bed, a desk on the left wall and a wardrobe at the same wall as the door is at.
"Thank you, I love it." I say
"Oh no problem. I'll show you around, come on." He says and I again follow him around.

"Heres the bathroom, and here's my room right in front of your room, let's go downstairs and I'll show you everything there." He says and starts walking downstairs.
Right when your downstairs you're in the living room, if you turn left your in the hallway. I the hallway there's three doors to your right and those doors lead too Anne's bedroom another bathroom and last Gemma's room. then if you walk straight when your in the living room you come in to the kitchen. He explained, and showed me.
(A/N I'm very sorry abt this hahah it's very complicated i see now, sorry ;/)

We walk in to the kitchen and Anne and Gemma is there and setting the table.
"Prefect timing guys, the dinners ready." Anne says
"great I'm so hungry!" Harry exclaims
We all laugh and then start to eat.

When we're done eating me and Harry went upstairs and started to unpack the most important things, like clothes and hygiene stuff, he helps me put in my clothes in my wardrobe. And because I basically took my whole wardrobe from home with me here, it took quite a while.
"Gosh Bella, how much clothes do you have?!" Harry says.
"To be honest, I don't even know, and I bet I barely even use half of it hahah." I say
"It's getting kinda late, and we start school tomorrow, so we should probably get to sleep." Harry says when I put in the last shirt.
"Yeah i think so too, but thank you so much for the help, I really needed that." I say
"Oh no it was no biggie, night Bella, see you tomorrow."He says
"Night Harry." I say
He went to his room and made himself ready for bed.
Wow Harry is actually nice to me.
I thought, then I went and changed to some pajamas, walked out of my room to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

When I was done I went back to my new room and put myself to bed.
I wrote a goodnight text to my mom before I went to sleep.
What a day.


A/N: omg first chapter, what do we think?
I know it's very short, I'll try to make them longer i promise.
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