~*Chapter 8*~

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I love what Kyra chose for me. 

The shirt hugs my body perfectly and the black jeans make the metallic green stand out. 

The converse are converse. They make everything look more downtown and better.
I'm just finishing my eyeliner and lip gloss when Aiden comes in.

" Where do you think you're going?" He asks as I'm doing my lip gloss
"The party " I say as I finish, popping my lips
"How do you know about the party? " He asks.

What a shame would it be if I messed around with him a little.

" This guy from my GP class invited me, told me I could hang out with his friends and him" I say, trying to surpres the smirk on my face
"Which guy? " He asks and I shrug
"I don't remember, I think he's 19 or 20, that's how old he looked anyway " I say, putting my stuff away and spraying perfume on myself.
"You know that if he's that age and still here he's probably tried killing someone and has a shit reputation, right?"
" Yeah. And?" I say as I finish and fix my hair
"Whatever " He says and I chuckle

"Hey, uhm" I pause    "about yesterday" I start but he cuts me off
"Yeah, would you mind if we forget about that?" He asks and I sigh, relieved 
"Yezh, I was gonna say the same thing" I say and he nods
"You were?"
"Yeah, I just felt it would become awkward if something happened or happens between us since we're roommates" I say and he nods curtly
"Okay, then, I'll see you later, I'll probably be coming later with Noah and Max" He says and I nod
"Yeah, of course, see you there" I say and smile at him before shutting the door behind me


I walk downstairs and towards the main room, strobe lights coming out of all angles, music blasting through my ears and the room illuminated with a red light. 

I start pushing through the crowd, trying to find Kyra when I see her. She looks amazing in her red bodycon- ish dress. 

" Heyy!" She says as she sees me
"Hi!" I respond back and she hugs me, I hug her back. 
"Let's get you a drink " She says and grabs my hand, leading me into the crowd, probably towards the makeshift bar.
"What would my friend like?" She asks when we reach
" Uhm, rum and coke" I say and she nods, pulling out a fresh red cup, filling half of it with um and adding a drop of coke. I look at her, one eyebrow raised, giving her and unimpressed look

"Take chances" 

She says, chuckling while forcing me to take a sip.

<<>> <<>>

That was two fucking hours ago. I'm on glass eight now.

Take chances. They said

It would be fun. They said

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