The Handsome Doctor part 2

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Author's Note:
Having a writers block so I decided to publish this. I had written this quite awhile ago, but wasn't happy with it.
But I really hope you enjoy it regardless. <3

You laid on the hospital bed, you were bored. Charlie had brought you something that you might have needed.

However, you weren't quite sure if you were going to need super glue or small pepper and salt bags.

Charlie had said that you never know what you might need. Maybe something would break and you need glue. Or maybe the hospital food is too bland and you need something to make it taste better.

You couldn't help, but smile remembering how worried Charlie had been. You assured him you were completely fine. Charlie made you think of Bella, you decided to find your phone and call her.

She didn't pick up after letting the phone ring a couple of times. You did sigh and hoped Charlie had gotten you a book to read.

You couldn't help, but smile when you found your favourite book. A few years back you had talked about this with Bella when she was visiting Charlie. For your birthday he had gotten the book for you. Charlie really always tried his best and you appreciated that.

The book was about a girl and a boy. They fall in love, but the boy has a secret. He was a vampire. The book wasn't really that mind blowing, but it was nice to read absent mindedly after a long day.

"How are you feeling?", asked a smooth voice that made you feel something you hadn't felt before. You had been so focused on the book that you hadn't noticed Carlisle.

He was looking at you with a gentle smile. You couldn't help, but notice how comfortable you felt around him.

"I think I am okay. The pain isn't as bad now like it was in the morning", you replied quietly giving him a small smile.

"We gave you a good amount of painkillers. Just press the button if the pain comes back", he explained pointing at the button near your bed.

"Thanks", you simply said feeling anxiety creep back. Why was he so nice to you? Your thoughts became spiralling in a matter of a few seconds.

Carlisle noticed your racing heart and that your breathing wasn't steady anymore.

"What are you reading?", he asked pulling a chair towards him and sitting down. He was quite close to you resting his hands on your bed and leaning closer.

You examined him for a moment. Skeptical of if he really was interested in what you were reading. However all you saw was genuine interest, it confused you.

"If you really want to know-", you started slowly and hesitantly, he gave a small nod to confirm.

"Well this is a kinda stupid book. But it is nice to read when you just want to forget everything for a moment. It was a gift for me a few years back", you explained feeling embarrassed of the book suddenly.

"It's a love story quite a cheesy one. Between a girl and a boy. The twist is that the boy is a vampire", you told him smiling faintly. Some emotion flashed across his face, but you couldn't quite place what it was.

"Do you believe in vampires?", Carlisle suddenly asked absent mindedly surprising you and himself.

"Well, I haven't met one so I suppose I don't believe in them", you replied chuckling to yourself.

"How would you know that I am not a vampire?", Carlisle asked without a second thought, amusement in his voice. He had a small smirk on his face.

"Well if you were, it wouldn't really matter", you said laughing and playing along in a game you would maybe have wanted to avoid if you had known better. Or maybe you would have still played along.

"And why is that?", Carlisle asked now clearly intrigued. He found this young woman interesting from the moment he saw her.

"You are a good person. And I know when I meet one", you replied, but blushed instantly realising what you said. "Sorry", you mumbled, that was inappropriate. Was it? It might be. You weren't sure, but the look on Carlisle's face made you feel better.

He looked at you with a beaming smile on his god like face, it made you smile too.

"You should now rest, tomorrow I am certain you will be released from here", Carlisle said after a small silence.

"Remember to rest too Dr. Cullen. Thank you, for everything", you said while he got up. A small chuckle escaped from his lips.

"I will. Good night Y/N", Carlisle said giving you a charming smile before leaving.

You were left with a stupid smile on your face. You couldn't even imagine what the future was planning for you, but this was definitely not the last time you were going to meet Dr. Carlisle Cullen.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 30 ⏰

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