Remembering Past Lives

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Summary: You could remember your past lives. However something unexpected happens when someone appears from your past life, someone who should be long dead by now. 

You could remember when the memories came. Always in your early teens. First as flashes and then you could put them together. See them like a movie.

Your first life wasn't that easy. Burned as a witch, your sister was, so they weren't that far off.

You thought later that your sister had something to do with this curse. You weren't quite sure.

The second life was somewhat happier, but still short lived. You worked as a nurse in a hospital in the 40's. There you met someone. He was a very skilled doctor, and quite young and handsome. You felt drawn to each other, but neither of you did address the evident tension between you.

That however changed when he asked you out on a date against his better judgement. You were ecstatic to say 'yes' at the very least. Putting on your favourite dress and shoes trying to look as pretty as you could.

After that night there were many other dates. Kisses exchanged secretly in work and feeling like you had found the missing piece of your soul. There was something strange to this man, but you could never quite figure out his secret.

Because you ran out of time.

You were killed by a drunk driver. Death was almost instant, there was nothing anyone could have done.

Your third life started some decades later in a small town named Forks. However you left the small town to study more medicine. You rarely visited Forks after your grandma had passed away, you really didn't have any other family other than a few friends.

That was however about to change when you got a message from your friend beaming about a hot doctor who had treated her twisted ankle. After asking further questions you couldn't believe it, he was alive.

Carlisle Cullen was alive.

With that you started connecting old dots, that suddenly made more sense. You couldn't quite believe it, he was a vampire. But regardless you needed to confirm this, see him with your own eyes.

You didn't look anything like all those years ago. You were also a couple years older. When you died last time you had been only 23.

Nervously you parked your car to the Forks Community hospitals parking lot. What were you going to say? What would he do? Was this just some sick coincidence? It was getting dark, you forgot how cold it was in Forks this time of the year.

Tightly hugging yourself you hurried inside the hospital being greeted with warmth and the familiar hospital scent.

Suddenly you didn't know what to do. This wasn't such a great idea. Did you ever think it was? You gathered all your courage and walked closer to the nurses station.

"How can I help you miss?", a kind looking nurse asked me with the usual polite service smile.

"Is Dr. Cullen on shift today", you asked praying the woman didn't think you were a creep or something.

The nurse gave you a knowing look. Of course he had young women coming specifically to ask for him.

"Yes. Is there an appointment made?", the nurse asked and you prayed you had made an appointment.

"Oh no. This has nothing to do with medical urgency. It's just that we are old... Work colleagues. I heard he worked here now and just wanted to drop by and say hello", you explained with confidence, because technically that was all true.

The nurse gave a suspicious look. You then decided to reach your pocket and grab your work key card that showed you worked in a hospital. The nurse quickly seemed somewhat apologetic.

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