chapter 3

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»Jenna? What a nice name.«

»What about you? What's your name?«, she tried to flirt, stroking his wide and hard chest.

He smirked, letting her do the hell she wanted to. She bit her lips, slowly but seductive. »I see... You're one of the women who take it head on, eh?«, he spoke in a deep voice, with a little hint of an spanish accent. »Maybe.«, Jenna messed with him, letting her arms sneak around his muscular arm. »I'm Antonio del la Cruz.«, he finally answered the question from before. »Ouhhh, so you're from Mexico?« »No No, Senorita. I'm from Spain.«, Antonio answered, chuckling into his pure whiskey.

Suddenly some of his buddy's interrupted them »Anton, we have to go. Your hermano is waiting.«

He let out a loud sigh, trying to stand up from the chair, with jenna half lying on him. »Well, work is calling me.«, he said definitely in disappointed way. Jenna snapped »Common, let's get a little freaky before you go.« she tried to pull him back, not wanting to let him go. »Maybe you'll end up in a better mood, who knows?«, she grinned, slowly letting her hand slide up his thigh.

He watched her hand, working its way up to his crotch. He looked up to her, giving her the "Kubrick stare" but in the lustfull way. »Alright... let's do it here then.«, snatching her hand away, he grabbed her under her armpits and put her on the counter.

»Huh? H-here on the table?«, surprised and non expecting this answer she looked at him, trying to push him back now. Antonio just laughed. »You wanted it so bad, didn't ya?«, he whispered in her ear, letting his voice vibrate trough her whole body. She bit the inner sides of her cheek and looked around, furrowing her eyebrows she realised that the other customers couldn't even care less. It's like they're some NPC's, only here to make the bar look more lifelike.. or something like that.

»What are you thinking of, huh?«, he looked down to her, touching her body, grabbing every fat on her body he could, including her tits. »WAIT.«, she suddenly yelled, now pushing him away a little harder. »Ay... did it hurt?«, he said, clearly not understanding her matter. »M-my boobs are sensitive today... guess I've been playing too much with them lately.«, she admitted, but in reality there was more than just this cheap excuse. It was the stolen items stuffed in her bra. »I can live with that you know?«, he spread her legs arpart, making her flinch and immediately blush a little. »a man who knows what he wants..«, she mumbles to herself in a smile.

»Well... it's always the same anyway. Sex, women, money.« Jenna looked up to him, feeling a tiny bit of embarrassment in her body. He heard her.


Jenna quickly looked behind the male figure in front of her. Before she could even analyze who the hell just shouted she heard bullets being fired and people screaming. Antonio quickly snatched his head back, like some animal being in threat. »SHIT. MIERDA. UGHHH... FUCK! ¡¿QUÉ HACES AÚN AQUÍ, PERRA?! MUEVE TU CULO! (WHAT ARE YOU STILL DOING HERE BITCH?!MOVE YOUR ASS!)«, trying to move her away from the table somebody shouted behind them. Not his friend, or any of the other people. It was the police. The fucking police. Jennas gaze switched from Antonio to the bulls. She had to act quickly now.

»Help me officer! This man just tried to rape me!«, Jenna cried out off guard. »the fuck?!«, Antonio distanced herself from her. »HEY, DON'T MOVE AND HANDS UP.«, one of the police men shouted, pointing his gun at him.

»O-officer please h-he was trying to-», tears were falling onto the table. »Girl, go outside. We will handle this!«, the cop shooed her away, circling the Spanish man she just was boutta to make out in publicity. Of course she wanted to get fucked until her mouth foams, but she couldn't risk her milkys getting cut open so the cops could get the jewelry back and get a promotion for doing such a great job. »hey man don't touch me, I was just trying to fuck with her! She- She wanted to! This is a BIG misunderstanding.«, anton tried to explain this whole situation but why would a white cop listen to a Latino? »You bastards are all the same.«, he said lowering his gun and attack the Spaniard to the ground.

Jenna peeked behind her shoulder, making sure that all of the concentration from the police went to her almost one night stand.


As the private bar was slowly disappearing out of her sight, she took her phone out of the pocket that she bought, directly after her disappearance from her first visited bar, with the stolen money. »Chello, Chello, Chello... Hmmmm....«, searching for the contact "Chello" she noticed someone familiar walking around the streets. She tried to identify him but it was almost impossible 'cause his face was literally blurry. Maybe she's just being silly after her little prank on the police and Antonio. »Chello? Hello?«, she put her phone to the ear, trynna find a signal.

»Hola chica, how's the jewelry?«, Chello quickly answered. Jenna chuckled a little. »they're safe and sound.« »Funny as always huh? Soo... uhh... how does your plan look like?«, he asked going straight to business.

»Imma need some of your men. You gotta transport it back to Europe illegally. Obviously. Anyway... Didn't one of your guys have a jet?«, she tried to explain her plan. »Well. Yeah, yeah I do think so. Smart girl. I was thinking of car to be honest.«, he laughed. »I gotta go now tho it's getting late and I still need a spot among the homeless to sleep. Just tell your buddy to land somewhere in Rockford Hills. I think it's the name of the region where I'm going to stay with da homeless. Well whatever, lemme know when he's here, force him to show up as soon as possible. Tomorrow morning would be perfect.«

»Yeah you're really funny, chic... I'm pretty sure till evening or even night he won't even show up. Did you forget how far apart Spain and America is?«, Chello did something with papers in the background shaking his head in disbelief about her geography knowledge.

»Ugh, fine. Just show up.«, she scoffed and hung up.


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