Part 7

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A/N Have fun. The Story will be randomly updated, even so I marked it finished. Because I don't know yet when it will be finished.


Lunch breaks are Jungkook's favorite time at work when he can take them. But now they are even more special when he can spend them with his favorite blue-haired pediatrician.
The summer is over and it is starting to get colder so they can't stay outside the hospital comfortably anymore.
Taehyung often complains about the cold, but Jungkook guesses he does it for him, because why should a Water Spirit feel cold? It doesn't make sense to him.

Colleagues pass him while he waits at the usual corner where Taehyung meets him. When he spots his blue hair, his heart rate always increases for a few seconds until he tells himself to calm down. Even after months, he still had that effect on Jungkook.

Jungkook furrows his forehead when he realizes Taehyung is scuffling down the hall. His shoulders hang and he looks defeated. Some strands of hair hang lifeless in his face. When he approaches Jungkook, he pushes his forehead against his shoulder, standing there motionless, his back bent.

People pass them, looking confused, and Jungkook smiles a bit shyly. They already had made a name for themselves in the hospital. The crazy ER doctor and the blue-haired pediatrician. Jungkook pats his shoulder consolingly.
"You want to talk about it?"

Taehyung shrugs his shoulders and makes a sound like an angry cat.

"I interpret that as a yes," Jungkook deadpans.

Taehyung looks up, pouting.
"I know you want to tell me," Jungkook says with the soothing voice that he uses on agitated people.
"Don't give me your 'you are crazy but I understand you' voice," Taehyung remarks.
"Tell me."

Another cute pout hits Jungkook right in the chest.
"I got vomited, bled, and peed on."
"Three times is a charm, we say," Jungkook answers and grins.
"Not funny."

Jungkook still smiles. "True, so not funny," he answers, seriously.
"Are you mocking me?" Taehyung glowers.
"I would never dare, oh mighty Water Spirit," he replies and bows.
"I will hit you with a water stream the next time when you least expect it."

Jungkook hugs Taehyung, caging his arms, and teeters lightly from left to right. "You won't do that. You like me too much."
"I don't."

Jungkook squeezes him tightly. "Oh, now you are really lying. You like me very much."

"I liked you more when you were shy and felt like a clutz."
"And now you are deflecting, because you feel cornered."
"Fine I like you, so sue me."
"Only for your heart."

"I feel like bile is rising in my esophagus."
"Glad I won't sue you for that."
"I don't have a heart. My chest is empty. Pick something else. My brain."
"You don't feel like the Tin Man or the Scarecrow."

Taehyung looks up, confused. "Who?"

"Not important, love," Jungkook whispers when Taehyung narrows his eyes, looking like he is ready to summon a water stream, after all, and douse Jungkook.
"It's love now, mmh?"

"Of course. Let's go swimming after work."

Taehyung's face transforms instantly, and his eyes get round and excited. "Really?"

Jungkook grins, having successfully distracted Taehyung. "Absolutely."


"Why are we going to the top floor of your apartment building?" Taehyung asks curiously, holding his backpack in his hands.
"The pool is there," Jungkook replies.

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