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Passing by and greeting her classmates, Gyuri walked over to her locker to get a textbook for her next class. As she rummaged through the multiple textbooks next to each other, a presence stood behind her.


Gyuri froze, knowing very well who the person was. She took a deep breath before turning around, "What do you want, Hyunwook."

"Look, I just want to talk about us," he replied, grabbing her arm.

Gyuri pushed his hand off her arm, "Us? There's no us anymore. And what about that little girlfriend of yours?"

Hyunwook smirked, "Are you jealous?"

"Definitely not. Why should I be jealous when I have a boyfriend?" Gyuri questioned, seeing Hyunwook's face drop.

Fixing his composure, he coughed it off, "Oh yea? Who is it then?"


Hyunwook's face dropped, not expecting to hear a name, "Shinyu? Like the captain of the basketball team?"

"Yea," she nodded, "he's my boyfriend. I have to go to class. I hope you don't come up to me anymore because I might commit a hate crime."

Gyuri walked off, leaving Hyunwook behind. Though she may have seemed confident, she was cursing to herself, "Fuck, now I really need to convince him to be my boyfriend. How am I even going to find him?"

It's as if God was listening to her rant, a text appeared from Sujeong.

sujeong 😘

i found out what classes shinyu has

dude im actually gonna kms
hyunwook came up to me and i told him that shinyus my bf

does shinyu even know u 😭😭
no bc u better ask him today and make him do it
or not ur screwed


dont worry u got this
(u def dont got it)


apparently u have 3 classes with him
its calc english and bio

wait wtf why havent i seen him before

idk maybe bc ur eyes been boggling and goggling at hyunwook?
js a guess

im going to kill u
no but ily
ur an actual lifesaver

anything for u to get over that nasty person 🤢

ill update u after

yes maam 🫡


Gyuri sighed as she put her phone away, not knowing what to do. She slid the door open to her class, looking for Shinyu. As she searched around the room, she spotted the dark-haired boy with earbuds plugged in.

Smiling, Gyuri walked over to his seat, gaining attention from classmates as well as her ex. Shinyu looked up from his phone and took out his earbuds, confused of what she wanted.

She leaned down to whisper, "Hey, can we talk after class? I swear it'll be short."

Shinyu slowly nodded his head, before putting his earbuds back in to tune into a video he's been watching. Gyuri smiled knowing that he agreed and walked back to her seat.

Just as Hyunwook was about to go up to Gyuri, the teacher came in, "Get your textbook out and turn to page 241. We're going to be learning about particle motion and optimization today."

• ch 2 done 🥳🥳🥳
• hyunwook is being a wonk fr
• i feel like everytime i write a ch, it gets longer oops 😭😭
• calc makes me cry 👎🏻

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