"honey, shes 5, shes afraid of heights so no Eiffel tower, she doesn't understand enough about history to take her to the louvre-"

"honey." she mocked. "i have an itinerary. were going to get brunch at a cafe, so she can try a crossaint that isnt from costco. then we are taking her to see a chef make macroons because she wanted that, and then on a boat tour around the city, then take her shopping and to dinner and i can reassure you before the check arrives she will be knocked out." said isa looking through vinnies closet.

"are you picking my clothes?"

"yea. we also need to go to a pharmacy real quick."

"why?" he asked picking out jane's clothes.

"because i want to get a plan b." she said as if it was nothing.

"oh so were talking about this?" he asked.

"about what?"

"last night."

"no, we're not. but i am addressing that i dont want to have a slip up."

"i was careful."

"were you?"

"relatively. youre not on another birth control?"

"why would i be? youre the first guy ive slept with in 3 years."

"so we are talking about it."

"again, no. just addressing the facts."

"if were adressing facts are we going to address that you couldnt let go of me last night."

"and you couldnt either."

"you started it."

"what?!" she said offendedly.

"lets talk about this outside i dont want to wake her up."

they walked out to the balcony.

"i started it?" she said upset.

"yes. you did. you grabbed me to dance, you told me you wanted to leave-"

"vinnie last time i checked, we always dance, we always flirt, you're nice to me, im nice to you. you put your hand on my thigh. you started it."

"you gave me a look and you know it."

"i gave you the look you always give me."

"yea, elle, but thats me. thats because i dont give up on you, ill always have a spark for you, ill always look at you."

"this is why i didnt want to talk about this vinnie. because then we need to talk about us. like why cant we just sleep together and leave it pending?"

"because were not the 17 year old kids who didnt have a daughter who deserves a family."

"jane has a family."

"but she doesnt deserve to cry because she needs to go from moms to dads. elle, i know theres still something in you that feels for me the way i do for you." he said grabbing her hand. "i know ive fucked it up before, but i know what its like to lose you and i cant afford that again. i am not risking the connection we have, the health our family has, to have sex."

"why dont you start dating?"

"are you serious?" he scoffed. "i have dated."

"then keep it going. let me get over you, find someone else. because my daughter is the most important thing in the world to me and there is nothing i will give to jeopardize her comfort."

"why would you be jeopardizing her comfort?"

"because what if we do try, and it doesnt work. i dont have more forgiveness to give you vinnie. if you fucked it up, i would need so much time to even feel chill around you."

"okay." he breathed in. "its a no. then lets just go back to normal, the flirting, the being good parents, the fun, the teamwork. okay?"

"okay." she nodded.

your blood through my veins  - vinnie hackerWhere stories live. Discover now