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Arizona's audition songs:
Party In The USA - Miley Cyrus
Ex's and Oh's - Elle Kingdom
Boyfriend - Raelynn

Arizona's Point Of View...

My plane landed a couple minutes ago and I was currently walking through the terminal to go to baggage claim. Scooter told me he would be waiting for me outside with a car. As I wondered around to find the baggage claim, I called my parents. They answered within the first 2 rings. "Zoni?" "Hey mom, I was just callin to let y'all know I made it safely and I'm going to baggage claim to get my bags now." I finally saw a big sign and it pointed me in the right direction of baggage claim. "Good. How bout you call me when you get to your hotel room." I nodded even though she couldn't see me. "Alright, love you." I smiled stupidly as I finally found baggage claim. "Bye sweetie, love you." I hung up and slipped my phone into my purse. I went to grab a buggy but a worker got to it before me and helped me go to the revolving belt to get my bags. "Tell me when you see your bags, miss." I nodded and smiled. The worker looked like he was a little older than me and he had brown curly hair, which was pulled into a cute little man bun, and green eyes. He saw me looking at me and smiled. "Garret Oakly." I blushed, "Arizona Jones," I said while offering my hand. "You don't sound like you're from here.." I laughed a little. "I'm from Tennessee." His smile grew alittle. "Well that explains why you sound like you've been pulled right out of the south." I laughed causing Garret to chuckle. "So maybe we can grab some dinner some time?" he questioned. I smirked, " Is this a date Garret Oakly? I mean I barley know you. You could be a serial killer." He grinned, his cheeks going alittle pink. "Indeed it is Arizona and I can promise to you I'm not a serial killer. I just think your beautiful." I blushed and dug around in my purse and pulled out a pen. I grabbed his arm and pushed up his sleeve alittle. I wrote my number down on his and and then clicked my pen shut. "Is that how they do things in Tennessee?" I laughed and nodded. We looked at the revolving belt in search for my bags. "Okay ready, I'm gonna guess which bags are yours." I smiled and beckoned for him to go ahead. "Those," I shook my head. This process went on for a few minutes before my bags and guitar came through and I had to tell him which ones they were. He grabbed my large and medium bags while I grabbed my small one and guitar. I watched his muscles as they bulged while grabbing my bags. I swear my eyes turned into heart eyes like that emoji. He put them on the buggy and we walks towards pick up. "So what brings you to L.A?" I debating whether or not to tell him, I mean it's not a secret is it? "Um actually I'm here meeting with a record label. My manager, wow that's weird to say, is the one picking me up." "So you're like the next big popstar?" I giggled, "Hopefully." I saw Scooter and waved, he saw me and waved back. Scooter approached me with a hug then Garret and him loaded up my bags and I took off my back pack and threw it while my other bags. Scooter got into the car and Garret opened the passenger door for me, Garret winked at me and smiled his bright smile. "Talk to you soon." I nodded and gave him alittle wave. He shut my door and turned, making his way back inside. "Who was that!?" Scooter asked playfully, "Garret Oakly." I said still watching him walk back inside. Scooter chuckled. "You haven't even been here for an hour and you're already catching boys." I giggled and put my attention on the road where Scooter was driving. "Okay, so I'm gonna drop you off at your hotel tonight and in the morning well meet at the studio to talk with the record label but I kinda have a situation..." I looked at him and he smiled sheepishly. "Well the record label wants to here you sing an original song.." I nodded. "Do you have one?" I nodded again. "Yeah I have a few but I've kinda had this melody in my head since the plane, and I may right a new one..." Scooter let out a relieved sigh and smiled. "Good." We pulled into this huge hotel with fountains in the front. Me and Scooter jumped out of the car and he had one of the doormen get my bags while he walked me to the front desk. "Scott Braun," he told the secretary. She handed over the key and Scooter handed it to me. "Okay, I'll see you in the morning okay? I'll text you what time exactly and the address. Call me whenever if you need anything okay?" I nodded and laughed. At my graduation party, Scooter promised my dad that he would be my "dad away from home" and protect me. So far he was doing good, although it's not like I doubted him. The doorman took my bags to my room and opened the door for me. I should tip him, right? That's what you're supposed to do..I think. I pulled a 5 dollar bill out of my bag and handed it to him. He smiled greatly and left my room. I took this time to wonder around. The hotel suite was so pretty. It had a large living room area with a big tv and a coach and love seat. There was a full granite kitchen that was fully stocked with food and ingredients. I walked to the bedroom and my jaw dropped. One complete wall was pure class with a view that over looked L.A. There was a king bed with the fluffier looking pillows. I wondered aloud and saw a big TV mounted on the wall. I walked into the closet and smiled. I could live here and never complain. I went into the connected bathroom and saw a silk robe hanging on the door. Oh my gosh, I'm in love with this place. I dropped my backpack and purse on the bed before taking my suitcases into the closet and my toiletries to the bathroom. After unpacking, I went into the bathroom and stripped completely naked and stepped into the shower. This place was gorgeous. So so gorgeous. I lathered some shampoo into my hair before washing my body and face. once I was done with that, I rinsed the shampoo out of my hair and combed some conditioner in it. While the conditioner was setting it, I shaved my all the necessary things before rinsing the conditioner out my hair. Once I was done, I dried off and tied my hair up in a towel and slipped into the silk robe. I grabbed my favorite lotion and walked out and sat on the bed. I rubbed lotion all over my body and then slipped into a pair of comfy underwear and a sports bra. It was just me in the suite so I could dress however I wanted. I put my purse and backpack on the floor and grabbed my phone and phone charger. I flipped the tv on and went through all the channels. I found college softball and left it on. I plugged my phone into its charger and began flipping through my social media accounts. After about and hour I finally called my mom but it went to voicemail. I looked at the clock and realized it was midnight back at home. My phone started ringing so I answered it. "Sorry Zoni, I dozed off. Are you okay?" I smiled. "Yeah, I was just calling tell you I made it to the hotel." I heard her hum in response. "I'm gonna go to bed, mom. I love you." I said. "Night sweetie, love you too." I smiled and hung up the phone. I laid it on the nightstand and set and alarm for 7 since I didn't know when I was meeting with Scooter. I then dug around in my backpack and grabbed my song book. This book has my whole life in it basically. I got up and got my guitar out of its case. Like I told Scooter, I had these lyrics stuck in my head. I started writing them down as playing my guitar. After a couple hours I was done. I'm actually pretty proud of myself. I glanced at the clock and saw it was coming up to 2 in the morning. Whoops. I got up and put my guitar in its case and my song book on the night stand. I flipped the lights off and crawled in bed. Tomorrow's gonna be a long day.

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