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Arizona's Point Of View...

It was finally the night I graduate from high school. It's so hard to believe that four years ago I was a little, scared freshman just hoping to find my place in the world. I was standing in front of my mirror admiring my look. I was wearing a white dress that was fitted to my chest and the flared out a little to my knee. I had on a pair of my nicer cowboy boots and some gold jewelry. My hair was slightly curled and my personalized graduation cap secured on my head by bobby pins. I took a breath. I'm really graduating. I heard my mom call my name so I grab my phone and navy graduation gown since our official school colors were red, white, and navy. After at least an hour of taking pictures with my brothers, my parents, and the rest of my family, we went to our highschool football stadium where the graduation ceremony was being held. When we got there, I took even more pictures with all my friends and favorite teachers and my softball coaches. I was tapped on the shoulder causing me to turn my attention to the person behind me. My eyes widened the slightest bit when I saw Scooter. "Hey, I thought that was you Arizona." I smiled and hugged him. "Thank you for coming," I stated sincerely. He smile back, "No problem." They made an announcement for everyone to get to their assigned seats and parents and family to make their way to the stands. I smiled to my family and walked with Mason to our seats. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and looked down at me since I was quite a bit shorter than him (and almost everyone I meet). "Here goes nothing, right?" I laughed and wrapped my arm around him too. "Right." We sat down as talked to our friends beside us before the ceremony started. When it did, the superintendents made their speeches before starting to call us all across the stage to get our diplomas. It seemed like the names flew by and all of a sudden they were calling my name. "Arizona Jones, Arizona placed 3rd in the class of 2015 and has participated in softball for 4 years with the Lady Pioneers," I approached the steps for the stage and was silently praying I would not trip. As soon as I thought that, I stumbled slightly. I caught myself before falling, causing a course of laughter from the stands. I grinned sheepishly before walking to the center and shaking hands with Mr.Owens, our principle. He handed me my diploma and I made my way down the set of stairs in the front. I made it down the stairs successfully this time as I heard my brothers name being called. I walked back to my seat and waited for the rest of the names to be called. My brother sat beside me after he got his and reached down into his boot. I shot him a questionable look before seeing he was pulling out his phone. I giggled quietly and watched him. He opened the camera and smirked at me, we help up our diplomas and quickly grinned cheekily at the camera since we weren't supposed to have our phones. He slipped his phone back into his boot and fist bumped me. After everyone was given their diplomas, we officially moved our tassel to the opposite side and the clarified us the official class of 2015. We all stood up and cheered, silly string was sprayed everywhere and there we a few beach balls bouncing off people's hands in the air. Families joined us on the field to take more pictures. I ended up taking a picture with Scooter and almost every other person that graduated. Our school was so small that everybody knew everybody. In our town the was only two elementary schools, one middle school, and one high school. So we've literally grown up together basically. After almost an hour after the ceremony ended, we finally left the high school. My parents had thrown a big graduation party for me and Mason at our house and all our family was there. Even Scooter. Me and Mason went through and hugged everyone before digging into the food my dad had cooked. Even though Scooter wasn't from around here, he still fit in fairly well with my family. After we ate cake and people started to leave, Scooter told me and my parents he had something to tell us. "So, I showed the officials at the record label some of your videos and they were shocked. In a good way. They are thrilled about meeting you in L.A on Monday." I heard something crash and my head shot in the direction it came from. Mason was looking at us with his mouth open slightly and a glass cup shattered on the floor. "You're going to L.A?" He looked confused and hurt. "Yeah....that's where the recording studio is.." He snapped his mouth shut and clenched his jaw. "Why can't you record stuff here down at the radio station?" Scooter answered for me, "In L.A well have more high tech equipment and resources to make your sister famous." Mason stepped over the pile of broken glass and stormed out of the room. I looked down. I heard my parents explaining to Scooter about how close we were but I could barley here them. All I could think about was how hurt he looked. I couldn't leave my family, could I? I got from my chair and went to Mason's room. The door was shut but his light was on. I knocked on the door in the pattern of our "secret knock" we always used to do as kids to know when it was each other. "Mason?" I heard him groan, letting me know he was there. "Can I come in?" I heard him mumble a faint yes before opening his door and shutting it back. "I'm sorry I forgot to tell you about the whole L.A thing..." He refused to look at me but he nodded slightly. "When you told me Scooter wanted to make you famous, I-I didn't realize that meant you'd move away. I mean you're my little sister, it may only be by 3 minutes but I still have to look out for y-you and how can I do that when you across the c-country?" He asked while starting to choke up. I let a tear slip down my cheek, "Nothings official yet.." I whispered. "Zoni, you're an amazing singer. They're gonna want to sign you." I laid beside him on his bed and he placed an arm around my shoulders as I laid back on his bicep. "You can come visit, and I'll come back home whenever I can." He shook his head. "I don't want you to spend all your time traveling to visit us. Stay in L.A. We can video chat and stuff and visit sometimes but I don't want you to try and visit so much you can't live you're life." I nodded. We sat in silence for a few minutes before he spoke up. "I chose UT. I figured with us only living like 45 minutes away I could still come home a lot and mom could make me food and do my laundry." He chuckled and I laughed. "We better get back down stairs, I think we gotta tell some people bye." He agreed and we both stood up and walked out of his room and then to the back yard where the party was. I saw Scooter talking to my older brothers while my parents socialized with the rest of my family that was still here. Mason went and joined Scooter, Nathan, and Kyle while I went over and got a cup of sweet tea. I looked around me at all my family socializing. If becoming famous meant moving away from everyone who has always been there for me, I guess I'll just have to deal with the heart ache and homesickness because becoming famous is all I've ever wanted. Tonight has officially turned to page and started a new chapter to my life.


So I really wanted to have this posted sooner but I had softball camp all week and just got back :/ Hopefully I'll update again within the next few days. (:

You and MeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora