Mini D

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"PIGFARTS, PIGFARTS, HERE I COME! PIGFARTS, PIGFARTS, YUM, YUM YUM!" a small three year old sang at the top of her lungs, she wondered for a while and walked over to her mother, "Mommy, what comes after that?"

"Oh Jojo, you are adorable!" Lauren smiled and lifted the girl on her lap, "Well, in the musical, Voldemort and Malfoy start saying Pigfarts really fast. Wanna try?"

Johanna nodded eagerly.

"Pigfarts Pigfarts Pigfarts Pigfarts..." Lauren and Johanna rambled off with a series of 'Pigfarts'.

"Malfoy!" Joey came into the room, barking Lauren's stage name.

"Yes Weasley?" Lauren play-glared at her husband.

"Here I am, face to face, with a situation I never thought I'd ever see..."

Joey started singing Granger Danger and Lauren joined in on her part, soon they reached the part where they sung together and Johanna started singing her mother's part.

"What? What the hell is this?! I wanna sing about her..."The family of three soon finished singing the hit song and they burst into laughter.

"Mommy!" Johanna leaped off her mother's lap and started rolling on the floor, "I'm you!"

Lauren laughed."Jojo, not like that," she went off the chair and joined her daughter on the floor.

Lauren started rolling around the floor and stood up.

"That is how you do it."

Johanna copied her mother and stood up, pretending to sweep the hem of an imaginary cloak behind her.

"Exactly," Joey said and high fived the beaming Johanna.

Johanna was silent for a while, looking at the floor, then she suddenly started going crazy.

"Daddy! Daddy! You came to love me!" she ran towards Joey and Joey engulfed her into a bone-crushing hug.

"Of course I do!"

"GO HOME TERRORIST!" Johanna screamed and Joey let go of her in shock.

"Jo, you can calm down a bit," Lauren said and removed her hands from her ears.

"Wait! Mommy and Daddy! I drew a picture!" Johanna said excitedly and ran up to her room.

Lauren and Joey laughed at their daughter happily.

"I love Jojo," Lauren sighed.

"I love you too Lo," Joey said and lightly kissed Lauren, "So... We have a Draco Junior, do you want a Ron Junior?"

"Tonight Joey," Lauren mumbled in between kisses.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Johanna came running down the stairs, carrying a big piece of paper in her hands, "I drew you a picture!"

Lauren and Joey broke apart immediately and Johanna unfolded the piece of paper in her hand.It was a drawing similar to the one Draco/Lauren drew in A Very Potter Sequel of Draco on the potty,the talking toilet and Lucius Malfoy in the background.Joey and Lauren looked closer at the drawing.

"It's me on the potty!" Johanna announced in a Draco Malfoy voice.

"Who taught you to draw that?" Lauren asked.

"Aunt Jaime!"

"Oh Jaime," Lauren and Joey said in sync.

"Mommy wears diapers!" Johanna laughed.

"No I do not!" Lauren protested.

"Yes you do! Uncle Darren pulled your pants down with his wand!"

"It was just a musical!"

"Mommy," Johanna said seriously, "I want to change schools."

"Why sweetheart? You love your school."

"This place has gone to the dogs, I want to study on Mars," Johanna said excitedly, "I wanna go to Pigfarts!"

Her parents laughed.

"Maybe Jojo, maybe," Joey said in between laughs.

"You can't go to Pigfarts," Lauren said in a Draco Malfoy tone, "It's on Mars!"

"But I wanna ride on Rumbleroar's back Mommy," Johanna pouted.

"What about I give you a ride on my back now? A lion back ride!" Joey offered.

Johanna didn't even need to answer, she quickly hopped on Joey's back and Joey crawled on all fours across the family room.

And the Richter household was filled with laughter and a rewatch of A Very Potter Musical. Little did Johanna know, she was going to get a baby brother in nine months.

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