26 | The Heiress • Part 2

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The following night, the Dark Lord accompanied the former heiress on her journey back to the Sanctum. He recognized that it wasn't his battle to fight alongside Ada. He belonged in the shadows, a creature bound by his sins to suffer there. He had already gone beyond what he should or could do. It was best for him to stick to the promise he made-to assist her. She needed a home to return to once everything was settled, and he understood that he couldn't be that home.

The night air was cool, and the moon illuminated their path. Ada walked beside Devereaux, her thoughts a swirling mix of determination and apprehension.

Silence enveloped them for a while, each lost in their own thoughts. The crunch of leaves beneath their feet echoed through the quiet night. The moon hung in the night sky, casting a silvery glow on the path ahead. The landscape seemed to transform with every step, from the eerie woods to the more familiar terrain leading back to the sanctum. The journey felt like a bridge between two worlds - the darkness they had just left behind and the uncertain challenges awaiting them in Luna Sanctum.

Ada stole glances at Devereaux, his silhouette outlined against the moonlit backdrop. It reminded her of the last time they had ventured into those woods. He had just saved her from her own kin, and she hesitated to accept his kindness. Veiled behind a piece of fabric, she had as much faith in him as in any other dark entity, which made her hesitant. She remembered witnessing the Scythe, and with the first flick, it cast to save her life, all her worries melted away.

"How did you know I was in danger?" she asked, looking in his direction.

The Dark Lord seemed puzzled by the sudden inquiry, as Ada had missed giving a heads-up on whatever was going on in her head. Devereaux tilted his head, trying to comprehend.

"That night, when you killed Erixir-how did you know I was here?"

A small smile adorned Devereaux's face. "If I say I followed you here, would I sound like a stalker?"

"Probably," she nodded in agreement. "But how long have you been following me around?"

"I haven't necessarily followed you around," he answered. "That night I was here to reap a soul."

"Erixir?" Ada asked surprised.

The Dark Lord nodded in agreement. "He was bound to leave the earthly realm that night -- one way or another."

Despite having spent her entire life among denizens, she realised there were intricacies and nuances that eluded her understanding. Their conversations often carried layers of meaning she couldn't fully grasp. What she had learned was that their existence was intricately woven with a network of deals, binding them relentlessly. There seemed to be no escape; any attempt to disrupt the delicate balance would swiftly plunge one into the profound depths of darkness.

"I thought... you killed him. To save me." She added after moment. "I was worried that it might have put you in a situation. Cause, you know, Death can't kill."

Devereaux chuckled softly. "You still remember what I have told you about me, don't you?"

"I'm not the type to forget people overnight," the young heiress frowned.

"I know," The Dark Lord responded, his gaze fixed on looming stone wall in their path ahead. "I'll do whatever it takes to keep you safe. I promise." His eyes met Ada's blue eyes, admiring the soft smile adorning her moonlit face.

Owls joined in a mournful chorus, their haunting calls resonating through the silent night. Bats flitted through the air like elusive shadows, and the audible moans of the forest created an eerie backdrop. They walked on the thorny, rooty floor till at some point they reached the dead end of the walk where a wall of ancient stones blocked her way.

A QUEST OF DEATH : Shadows Never Lie (undergoing MACRO EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now