Chapter 2:

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Farm's pov

I was running down the same path I took to find Horror which was a few or more years ago. I was super scared he wasn't going to come back home so I started to panic more. "Horror! Where are you, love?" I looked around and kept going further into the forest.

"Horror!" I called out again, and I looked up and saw it was dark out. "Damn it, Horror." I kept looking for him, still panicking.

"Horror, please come out!" I called again and saw tracks. Finally. But they look they they had blood following it, too. I grew more scared and impatient because I hadn't found Horror yet. "Horror! Come out, Horror!" I sounded like I was about to cry.

I heard bones being ripped apart and eating. I ran to the noise and saw Horror eating a deer and I sighed, seeing Horror. "Horror?" I saw his hungry expression and his eye and got nervous. "Horror it's me. Farm... remember?" I backed into a tree and saw Horror's face close to mine but he remembers and transformed back to normal. "Ugh... my head." Horror said, rubbing his skull in pain. "Oh thank God!" I grabbed his skull and held it. "I thought you were hurt, Horror." I held him tighter and he held me back.

"Sorry Farm.... I thought I was back home by now. That must've been my imagination..." He groaned.

"At least your back with me. Please stay home from now on ..." I sniffled sadly.

"Is this about the time I ran off and hurt myself?" Horror asked and was shocked. "Oh, Farm... I'd never do that again... is that why you were out here for so long?"

"Yeah. That is why.... I was just so scared to lose you Horror...." I cried and Horror held me tighter. "Oh, Farm. I'm so sorry." Horror had a few tears run down his face while holding me. When we got home, Lust was happy to see us, knowing Farm must have been really scared to run off out of nowhere. "So, Horror...? Just asking, but what did you do to get Farm to run after you so fast? I mean he was just standing here and then all of a sudden told me to keep and eye on Masami and took off..." Lust was actually curious. "I just don't want him to hurt himself again." I said and held his arm. "Oh, damn.. I probably would've reacted the same way then. You really found someone Horror." Lust smiled. Horror smiled but it wasn't a real smile. "Horror? What's wrong?" I asked. "I didn't realize the impact of me running off.... I'm so sorry, Farm." Horror held me close and cried.

I held him tightly and rubbed his back, a smile on my face, because I was just so happy he didn't kill himself and leave me alone with Masami. I don't think I'd ever recover.

No one's pov

As Horror, Farm, and Masami, grew up as a family. Lust finding Dance Sans and he had gone with him. Masami grew up as a young independent woman, and she was a beautiful young lady. And she could really act southern and she was able to dance like her parents. When she was 21, she married her long term boyfriend she'd met at 12, and they had a kid named Becca. And Horror and Farm grew old together, always being close to each other, and remembering the old times.

Sadly, one day there was a horrible battle out of nowhere and people were looking for Horror, which Horror had a bounty on his head, but he was able to hide with Farm until now.

So Farm, Masami, Hermes, and Becca were all safe but Horror made sure they wouldn't be found and walked out to the bounty hunters. Sadly he didn't survive, but he killed al the bounty hunters before they could destroy the farm. Farm ran out and saw Horror still alive but barely, a he ran out his hat fell to his knees, gripping Horror tightly. As Horror was turning to Dust, Farm kissed his lips one more time before he disappeared forever.

After 20 years, Farm would often visit Horrors urn and gently press his forehead against it and make sure Horror knows he still loves him, even if he can't see him.

As Farm got older and older, he realized he was already 99 years old, and he was still moving since he was a skeleton monster, but then he called Masami and asked her to bring her family. They came quickly and saw Farm lying on the couch and not looking good, and Masami instantly went to hug him. As they said heir goodbyes, Masami and Hermes decided to live on her parents old farm, and take care of it. They put Farm's dust in an urn next to Horror's, and placed his hat on Horror's axe, and they paid their respects and woul often say hello everyday.

[ This is the end of the story now, fully. I'm so sorry I took forever, but I finally got it done. I hope you enjoyed it, and I know it was extremely short, but I do really how you enjoyed it. Farewell (: ]

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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Horror x Farm book 2Where stories live. Discover now