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𝖠 𝖣𝖺𝗒 𝗈𝖿 𝖥𝗈𝗈𝗍𝖻𝖺𝗅𝗅


She checked her phone as she walked her way to the stairs and saw no important messages or calls that she had missed, sighing in relief as it was a sign that Pedri was doing okay at home. She reached the stairs and started making her way up, putting her phone away in her pocket.

She was making her way up, only just a few steps to go when she stopped dead in her tracks, shocked by what she spotted on the field

Or should it be who, she saw

She hadn't even reached the top of the stairs when she noticed this person in the middle of the field, she was just a few steps away but the presence of that person shocked her, feeling like she couldn't move at all. She didn't expect anyone to be here, let alone one of the players of the team just in the middle of the field. 

He dribbled the ball on his leg, then he would move the ball around doing some tricks in between. The smile was evident on his face, Nicolle could tell that he was happy, that this was his happy place, it could not help but make her smile as well.

After what felt like forever of just standing and shall it be said, admiring him, she felt like she gained the power back in her legs, but instead of rushing down to hide away in the medical office, she found taking the last steps up and waking further towards this person

Pablo was in the middle of the field playing with a ball that he found just under the bench that overlooked the training grounds, he needed the day to just be around a football, he himself did have flooding thoughts similar to Nicolles and being here, he was sure to be able to be happy. He knew no one would be here today and that he would be alone.

Well so he thought

The ball landed in his hands after just being tossed and when he just looked up from the round object in his hands he spotted a figure in the distance walking towards him, his heart stopped when he saw who was approaching him, rather in shock to see her here today, but he just couldn't help but let a smile play on his face seeing her make her way over.

His smile only grew wider and wider as he walked towards her, not wanting to have her walk the whole way to him, his heart beating faster when he saw her, well anytime he saw her. Her hair danced in the small wind, her smile visible from far away and he couldn't help but chuckle watching as she had her hand over her eyes blocking the last strong rays of the sun before it was set to begin its descent.

"Hi" the girl spoke, her voice soft and sweet but as well hidden with some confusion, sure she did have an idea of what Pablo was doing here, but she still wanted to know.

"Hi Nic" He replied, copying her tone of voice, he himself was more confused as to why she was here, he expected to spot her tomorrow during training, but not today. But again he was not one to complain.

"What are you doing here?" She asked the boy in front of her, watching as he dropped the ball to his feet and held it with his foot while still keeping his eyes on her, admiring how those rays of sunlight shined in her eyes.

"Just needed a place to be with my thoughts" He answered simply, watching the smile just grow on her face upon his response. He was with rather a lot of thoughts but when she appeared they seemed to have floated away.

"How about you?" He returned the question back to her.

"I actually had some work I needed to get finished" She answered taking a deep breath, Pablo couldn't help but feel bad for her, yes he knew she loved her job but she deserved this whole day off, especially with the crazy days of training that would be yet to follow.

Just a Dare to You ★ Pablo Gaviजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें