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"Why do I feel as though this weekend was more than just two days?" Nicolle spoke while sitting in her brother's car as they were making their way to the training grounds.

"Maybe because a lot happened, but many good things I would say" Pedri chuckled, turning to look at his sister to observe she had a smile on her face.

Sure he knew that his friend asked her to be his girlfriend due to the objectives of the dare but he was rather confused as to why he went out of his way to gift her a necklace, maybe it was part of the act and he would ask for it back at the end of the month?

But all that still made him smile, for a few seconds, he did forget that it was a dare but he was happy to see his sister happy.

But there was something deep inside of him that also he felt like continuing this dare was wrong, but it was rather deep that it didn't ring as well as a bell at this current moment.

Regardless he brushed those thoughts away and only focused on making his way in training and what he had to do in training.

Once they arrived at the training grounds they made their way inside, scanning their entry passes and walking together before parting their separate ways. Nicolle unlocked the door to her office and placed her bag down, setting up her desk to finish the work tasked for her.

Not long after she heard a knock at the door, she pulled her head up from her computer and allowed for the person to enter through the door. She watched as the door opened to reveal Pablo standing with a to-go cup of coffee that had "chai latte" written on it.

She smiled as she lifted herself up and walked towards the man who had just entered her room.

"This is for you Nic" He smiled, pushing his hand forward to pass the latte towards the girl, who gladly accepted the drink, surprised yet happy he still remembered her favorite drink.

"Thank you Pablo" She smiled, pulling him into a hug which he returned.

"I can't stay long, but I did want to see you before training, I'll come by later okay?" he spoke, watching as his 'girlfriend' nodded in agreement before he disappeared out of the room.

He was happy to spend any time he could with his best friend's sister, although the thought of the dare kept lingering in his mind, the thought that he needed to somehow tell her before he went too far or it was too late.

He questioned himself and even wondered whether he could call what he had a proper relationship with Nicolle, on the contrary, he did want to tell her today but just the happiness she showed made it hard to speak up about it.

The Spaniard sighed making his way up the staircase towards the training grounds to continue with the rest of his day, waiting for time to pass until their next break so he could go see her again.

Which for him would be lunch and then the end of the day when all the players were free to leave.


As the time passed the players were free to make their way down to the cafeteria, as per usual Nicolle did have to wait a few minutes before walking in to avoid the huge crowd and line, but she was more than happy to wait a few minutes anyway, she did still manage to grab the food she prefers regardless so there is no point in rushing her way into the crowd.

The girl was now standing paying for her meal after what felt like a while but only the time of five minutes had passed, she briefly waved to the players as she walked through receiving the same gesture along with a smile back.

Once she grabbed her food she made her way back to her office, opening the door to the presence of Pablo who sat on her medical bed munching away on his lunch. She giggled watching as he turned his head to look at her with a small smile.

"What a nice surprise" the girl beamed walking up to him and planting a small kiss on his cheek.

"Well I thought it would be nice to spend lunch with you, alone " He spoke, watching Nicolle force her face the other way to hide the reddish-pinkish flush of color rising to her cheeks, making him chuckle softly.

The two enjoyed their meal and enjoyed each other's company, they talked about multiple topics, rather switching between them quite quickly. Pablo was happy to be in the presence of Nicolle, he admired the girl and every time forgot that this was all from a dare

The girl was happy that he came to enjoy lunch with her, it was quite nice, and she much rather enjoyed it than sitting alone at times, it's nice to have the company once in a while, and now she had the company of her boyfriend

But she didn't know that the title "girlfriend" was just all part of a game. Regardless she was happy to be in a relationship, still a little shocked to be announced but as long as they took it slow she was happy to enjoy being with Pablo.

"Hey Nic, would you like to go out to our spot tomorrow night" Pablo asked, watching as her lips curled upwards.

"Of course, I would" She responded with excitement building up inside of her, she liked how it was just a random hill overlooking the city of Barcelona, ​​yet he called it their spot. She pulled her eyes to her laptop screen to avoid him seeing her pink flushed cheeks but also to check the time.

"Pablito I think it's time for you to head back yeah, I'll see you after training okay?" She smiled walking up to him who had stood up ready to leave as he had just a few minutes to get on to the field again.

Before he walked out the door she placed a kiss on his cheek, which caused a soft smile on his face. The nickname and the gesture were everything to him and he smiled watching as she turned around before he closed the door behind him making his way up the stairs. Already waiting for the time to pass just to see her once again.

The smile could not be wiped off his face, the name "Pablito" rang through his head. He loved the name, it made him just fill with butterflies, and to hear it come from her just made it better.

He was just happy to have her, she was just everything he could ask for.

As these thoughts ran through his head...

...never once did he think about it being a dare.



This is more of a filler chapter for the story, short but sweet

It was a bit rushed so I am sorry about that!!


Just a Dare to You ★ Pablo GaviWhere stories live. Discover now