Chapter 35

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The remaining four went on guard when Yoriichi walked out. Yoriichi's steps were heavy however they made no sound. His body posture looked strong giving the remaining four a common idea of what he was like. Their eyes were drawn to the weapon that ended the life of Akio. It was a chained weapon with a spiked steel ball at one end and an axe at the other. A different version of the weapon Kusarigama. 

Yoriichi: So are we going stand around or are we going to try each other

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Yoriichi: So are we going stand around or are we going to try each other.

Rio slammed his hands on the ground and it turned dark brown. Bako raised a leg and shattered the ground. A giant piece of the ground rose in front of him. Without hesitation, Bako punched it sending the block flying towards Yoriichi. The redhead wasn't fazed and felt a smirk grow on his face. He spun his spiked ball and threw it towards the approaching block shattering it.

Yoriichi expected Bako or Mako to be behind the block as it would be stupid to waste such a chance. His eyes narrowed as he saw Taro in front of him with a kunai. To Yoriichi time slowed down. He glanced to his right seeing Bako, then to his left seeing Mako. Yoriichi could not see Rio in his direct eyesight so there was only one place he could be. 

Just as the three reached in five feet of Yoriichi. The monster let loose.

Stone Breathing: Third Form: Stone Skin!

Yoriichi surrounded himself with a barrage of attacks that deflected the three attacks. He jumped in the air and a split second later Rio's hands burst out of the ground trying to grab Yoriichi. The transmigrated soul threw the axe down with such force behind it. It cut deep into the ground and Rio's outstretched arms fell limp. Without a break, he threw the spike ball in the opposite direction. There was a puff of smoke where he aimed the spiked ball. Just as the smoke cleared Rio's eyes widened before his vision went black.

Bako, Taro and Mako were shocked. Two of the five have been brutally killed by the shinobi in front of them. Yoriichi had a bored look.

Yoriichi: Is that all? I thought the world-famous Killer Five would have more fights in them. This is disappointing-

Suddenly Bako screamed. Gaining everyone's attention. Yoriichi saw Taro and Mako's eyes widen. Bako screamed louder, his body began to steam and his skin turned blood red. His muscles began bulging to unnatural proportions. Taro looked up and the spike ball in front of his face.

Yoriichi: Did you think I would stand around?

Taro: Of course not

Taro appeared behind Yoriichi. He quickly went on the attack. The redhead did not dodge as a kunai made its way to his head. He elbowed Taro, lifting the shinobi off his feet. Taro twisted his body mid-air and the kunai made its way to Yoriichi's neck. 

Naruko: Chi-chan!

There should have been a sound of metal cutting flesh. Taro of Clay should have felt his kunai sink into the redhead's neck. His eyes went wide as his kunai shattered when it made contact with Yoriichi's neck. Taro's eyes widened and he failed to notice the punch that made contact with his chin before he could even think. Yoriichi swiftly moved his hand, grabbed Taro by the face and pulled him. There was a loud nasty sound of neck snapping as Taro of Clay's body fell limp. Sensing someone Yoriichi threw the dead body toward what was charging at him. The body was ripped in two as Yoriichi rolled out of the way of a sword struck the ground that would have decapitated him. Yoriichi looked up and saw a massive reptile-like creature that stood around 8 feet tall.

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