Chapter 34

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Yoriichi was making his way from the Hokage building. He knew he remained even a second longer than he would have killed someone. Yoriichi only looked ahead trying to keep his anger in check. He made his way to the only place he felt comfortable...home. Yoriichi entered his and Naruko's home. The only place that sheltered them for years. It was all dusty and dirty. Luckily they didn't leave any food that could rot. Yoriichi took off his haori, he had gotten them custom re-make halfway through the month when he realized he gained new height and muscle mass. 

Yoriichi:'Time to clean up'

He did so and did it very quickly. Given his height and speed, he finished half a day's work in an hour. When he was done Yoriichi had nothing to do, he sighed and changed into his nightwear. No point in trying to do anything. It was his rest day and he was confused about what he should do with all this excess energy. So he decided to sleep. Just before going to bed, Yoriichi looked at himself in the mirror. First, his eyes went to the sun demon slayer mark on his forehead. Next, his eyes landed on the wind demon slayer mark, and his eyes went down and landed on the flame demon slayer mark. It was a mixture of red and yellow, it was opposite to his stomach and nearly reached his heart.

Yoriichi:'A rising flame'

Finally, his eyes landed on his newest demon slayer mark. It caused him to smirk. No one would ever expect it from him of all people.

Yoriichi made his way to the bed. Laying down, it was like he turned off a switch and darkness took him.

Yoriichi blinked and opened his eyes. This was the second time he was taken somewhere in his dream. He had expected to meet Kaguya again however that was not the case. This time he was somewhere else. It was a confusing place well more in a colour scheme as everything was red but he recognised the design, he was standing in an alley. Yoriichi looked down, he was wearing his usual clothes and his swords were on his waist. Looking forward he saw something with horns on its head talking to someone. With a posture like that and a spear in its hands, it would definitely attack.

The being walked forward as the girl tried to push herself back. She was already wounded and if wasn't bad enough she was getting attacked.

???: I have waited a long time for this.

Suddenly out of nowhere a sword went through the thing's back and came out of its chest. The thing screamed in pain. The girl was surprised.

Yoriichi: Well then you can keep waiting.

Yoriichi lifted the thing with Kitetsu stabbed into its chest. He turned the blade and stabbed it into the nearby wall. Trapping the thing with horns. Yoriichi looked down at the one the thing was talking to. Yoriichi's eyes widen in surprise.

The girl looked at the person who saved her. He had hair like long red spiky hair in a high ponytail. His red eyes had a shine in them that made them look like fire. A never-ending flame. He was a handsome person maybe the most handsome she ever met. She saw his eyes widen

Yoriichi: Goodness. You're hurt badly.

Yoriichi got to a knee. He raised a hand but stopped before he moved forward. He didn't know how the girl got hurt but right now she was distrustful of everything. He had to be careful.

Yoriichi: May I?

The girl gave a painful nod. The nod was enough to get a painful groan out of her. Yoriichi made sure he was careful when he touched the girl. He examined her organs first, she had some internal bleeding nothing that would be life-threating rather it would be more painful. She seemed to lose an eye and was bleeding badly from it. It won't be life-threatening but it would be bad for her to lose blood right now. 

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