Abhi You are right, Still

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A week passed after the pooja. Abhimanyu agreed to be the incharge of the advertisement. And on condition, Akshara agreed to appear on the advertisement. Manjari called her in Birla house to discuss about the things. Actually the shooting is arranged by Manjari Abhi, parth, shefali and Neil. Akshara came there as she promised.

Neil: is that the super diva of telly world

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Neil: is that the super diva of telly world. Why you always appear in normal casual outfit. Why don't you carry yourself like a celebrity

Akshu: even celebrities are human. We do doll up ourselves for the glimmering light, but behind the screen we are normal human's.

Manjari made her sit next to her

Manjari: I knew  my son overreacted in your case

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Manjari: I knew my son overreacted in your case. He must note the point that his family hurts your feelings. That's why you reacted such a way. Your reaction was normal and we can't blame you for this. Am really sorry beta. Am really sorry for his behalf.

Akshu: aunty even you too failed to recognise him. Abhimanyu is not a spoiled brat or a stubborn person. He have the reason to behave like that to me. I offended him. You guys donno how deep he fell for me and whatever did he promised to me. So I understand your side still remember this, Abhimanyu is not at wrong.

 So I understand your side still remember this, Abhimanyu is not at wrong

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Manjari: you mean he is not at fault. Actually beta, he never open up about anything. Only when he fell for you, he start smiling and be happy. Before that he never smiles nor mingle with all. Am afraid that my son will stay single forever because of his introverted behaviour.

Abhira ~ We Are Made For Each Other Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora