26 | The Heiress • Part 1

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Serenel's gradual realisation that its back alley population was diminishing went unnoticed for a considerable duration. The reports of missing individuals, trickling into the Serenal Police at a rate of at least one each week, failed to register in the consciousness of the blissful citizens engrossed in their daily lives and concerns. However, the Chief's scrutiny finally brought to light a startling revelation - a tally of fifteen sudden disappearances.

The growing number of missing persons might have continued to escape notice, eventually fading into the background, if not for the conspicuous rise in the word 'Missing.' This term became a sombre addition to the graffiti-covered walls that adorned nearly every street, transforming urban art into a silent plea for answers. Flyers, caught by the wind, gracefully danced in the air, eventually finding their place among their scattered peers on the city's roads.

Despite these ominous signs, the situation remained on the fringe of becoming a full-blown case. The investigations proceeded at a pace that mirrored snail's infamous speed, threatening to sweep the matter under the proverbial carpet of bureaucratic routine. Yet, the city's concern persisted, etched in the walls and written across the fluttering flyers.

It wasn't until one dull afternoon that the gravity of the situation crystallised. A body was discovered in one of the infamous alleys, casting a dark shadow over the city's sense of security. The incident marked the turning point, thrusting the once-overlooked disappearances into the forefront of public attention.

The material submitted for forensic testing defied conventional identification, resembling little of the human anatomy. What should have been bone appeared as thin, elongated structures reminiscent of sticks, devoid of any natural curvature. The crust-like remnants clung stubbornly, resisting any attempts to categorise them, akin to a fine powder of wheat flour or the ashes left in the wake of a cremation.

The most striking features were the unsettling orbs with their distinct contrast - a pristine white hue juxtaposed against the pitch-black rounds that marked them as eyes. These grotesque remnants formed an eerie spectral composition that defied the boundaries of the known and plunged the observer into an unsettling realm of a mystery.

The source of these macabre findings remained an enigma, shrouded in the ominous reputation of the infamous back alley. The town's residents, each haunted by the possibility, anticipated the ominous delivery of another chilling reminder on their doorstep the following morning. A collective sense of dread settled over the town, casting a shadow on their daily lives.

As forensic test results came in, revealing the identity of the unfortunate victim, the revelation only deepened the unsettling nature of the discovery. The deceased was unrecognisable to most Serenel residents, a nameless drunkard known to few. The revelation of the deceased drunkard's familial ties added a layer of poignancy to the unfolding tragedy.

The once faceless individual, whose existence was known only to the shadows of the back alley, now emerged into the harsh light of public scrutiny. His photograph, starkly contrasted against newspaper headlines and featured in breaking news segments, brought an unexpected intimacy to the town's collective consciousness.

In the sombre gaze of his captured image, the man's anonymity dissolved, and the realisation dawned that he was not just another casualty but a person with connections - a husband and a father. The unfolding drama gripped the town, weaving an intricate narrative of mystery, loss, and the haunting spectre of the ominous back alley.

Even Ada was taken aback by his appearance on the news - a haunting reminder of a past encounter in the alley. Memories of evading his advances flooded back. The news painted a grim picture, dredging up a past she had tried to forget. Seated amidst an unusual trio, Ada found herself flanked by an elf and a demon, both partaking in the freshly made popcorn she had prepared. Her eyes remained fixed on the television screen, absorbing the unfolding events.

A QUEST OF DEATH : Shadows Never Lie (undergoing MACRO EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now