Chapter 8: sensitive info

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After flogons journey through space in his spaceship, he landed on the nearest planet where the capital of the entire galactic civilization of his race is held. There, he met up with his twin brother aedon. In a near by hotel. They both talked about each others experiences when flogons encounter with the endless shadow starts to gain aedons interest.

Aedon: so you had an encounter with another agent of chaos? Interesting. So what's his name

Flogon: well, i don't know. But i can describe him in detail.

Aedon: alright. So, what does he look like?

Flogon: well, he is pretty much pure black and everytime i throw a stone at him it just, dissapeared in his body. Maybe it has gone somewhere who knows. Plus it also sah 9 yellow reptillian eyes.

Aedon: ooooh i see. You've seem to have encountered the endless shadow this time. The 5th most powerful agent of chaos.

Flogon: really? Wow. From what i've heard across other civillizations in different galaxies, he is quite terrifying. Far more terrifying than even other agents of chaos like smile and info. But, this encounter had me question that.

Aedon: what would that be?

Flogon: it seems like, how do i describe this? He isn't as bad as everyone believed him as. But rather, kinda nihilistic.

Aedon: HA! I knew the rumors weren't true.

Flogon: what?

Aedon: oh you didn't know? Well, i studied all of these agents of chaos myself.

Flogon: you do?

Aedon: yup.

Flogon: wow. Never knew you know about this stuff.

Aedon: yeah. I tend to keep it a secret from people.

Flogon: that's understandable. But, i would like to know of the agent of chaos that, well...

Aedon: terrorizes your family and kids? Yeah i know that. It's info. The 4th strongest agent of chaos. A 100x more powerful than the one you've met by now.

Flogon: wait what?

Aedon: yeah. There are hierarchies to these cosmic beings which goes as follows. Would you like to listen?

Flogon: well, based on my encounter with one of them, i guess i would for a while.

Aedon: alright. So to explain, imma have to start at the bottom.

Flogon: alright.

Aedon: the bottom are the regular agents of chaos who can create their own omega realms and are infinitely more powerful inside of them than outside of them. Basically, these omega realms are created to amplify their power and reality warping infinitely.

Flogon: that's interesting.

Aedon: then up the hierarchy are the top 10 strongest agents of chaos.

Flogon: now this is the part i am interested in.

Aedon: at the number 10th spot is thes. Shes pretty much the weakest in the top 10. But is more powerful than all of the infinite number of lower agents of chaoses combined. But she also has her own omega realm called the unpredictabke realm to increase her powers infinitely of course. Oh yeah i forgot to mention that each omega realm has its own set of properties and laws.

Flogon: yeah ok.

Aedon: on the 9th spot is the dark. The owner of the dread realm. And is 100x times more powerful than thes outside of her own realm. He operates quite differently compared to other agents of chaos. He doesn't just spread chaos like the others. He also causes destruction. And is also infinitely more powerful when he is in his own realm.

Flogon: ok i get it. These guys are infinitely more powerful in their own omega realms as well. Maybe just go to what their characteristics are instead?

Aedon: alright bro. Calm down. Anyways, next is the 8th most powerful agent of chaos. Gath, the owner of the power realm. Who is pretty much a being made of chaotic energy of sorts and is 100x more powerful than the dark outside of his own realm. He acts more like a robot than anything else from my encounter with him.

Flogon: he acts like that?

Aedon: yeah. I don't know honestly. Maybe he chooses to act like that?

Flogon: weird.

Aedon: yeah. Anyways, wanna keep going?

Flogon: sure.

And aedon explains the other 7 strongest agents of chaos. But i am gonna explain it here myself.
The 7th strongest is memetical. He is the owner of the meme realm. And is 100x stronger than gath outside of his realm. He often makes memes a lot and uses them to either joke around or fighting.

The 6th strongest is skull snake, the owner of the serpent realm. He is a green snake with a skull on his head and that skull has horns on it. There isn't anything to talk about him since he keeps it private.

Then the 5th strongest the endless shadow. Owner of the shadow realm. And is 100x more powerful than skull snake outside of his tealm. You already know what his characteristics look like.

The 4th strongest is info. Owner of the info realm. His realm looked like a library of knowledge where agents of chaos can go to. He is 100x stronger than the endless shadow outside of his realm. Info also loves creating experiments with other life forms and intelligent life forms in the universe as if it is his personal fetish of some kind.

The 3rd strongest is smile. The owner of the horror realm and is 100x more powerful than info outside of his own realm. Smile is probably the most pchycopathic among the other agents of chaoses. As even the 2nd most pchycopathic agent of chaos, the puppeteer, finds him disturbing.

The 2nd most powerful is intelligence. The owner of the knowledge realm. And is 100x more powerful than smile outside of his realm. There isn't any information regarding this agent of chaos as of right now.

The 1st most powerful is eyes. He is infinitely more powerful than all of the previous agents of chaos combined even in their own omega realms. And embodies the omega universe itself.

Of course, all of them are below the 5 lords of chaos. Which we'll get into in the next chapter.

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