𝟐𝟖: 𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝𝐬

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Lucian and Hermione sat at their respective tables in the Great Hall, surrounded by a sea of their fellow students

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Lucian and Hermione sat at their respective tables in the Great Hall, surrounded by a sea of their fellow students. The atmosphere was electric with anticipation as they awaited Dumbledore's end-of-year speech. The wizarding world had been through so much in the past year, and Cedric's death had left a lingering sense of sorrow that hung heavy in the air.

As Dumbledore took the stage, his presence commanded attention. His voice was gentle yet haunting, carrying across the hall with an ethereal quality that filled every corner of the room. Lucian couldn't help but feel a shiver run down his spine as the Headmaster began to speak.

"My dear students," Dumbledore began, his voice weaving a spell of its own as it resonated through the room. "Tonight, we gather not only to celebrate another year at Hogwarts, but also to remember a young life that was tragically cut short."

The hall fell into silence, the only sounds being the soft rustling of robes and the occasional sniff

from someone wiping away tears. Lucian glanced at Hermione, her eyes glistening with unshed tears, and he reached across the table to give her hand a reassuring squeeze.

"We must never forget the sacrifices made for the greater good," Dumbledore continued, his voice filled with a mixture of sorrow and determination. "Cedric Diggory's death serves as a reminder of the darkness that exists in our world, and it is our duty to stand against it."

Lucian's mind drifted back to that fateful night during the Triwizard Tournament. He remembered Cedric's lifeless body lying on the ground, and the shock and horror that had washed over him. The realization that their world was not as safe as they once believed had been a harsh awakening.

"But amidst this darkness," Dumbledore's voice brought him back to the present, "we must find hope. Hope in knowing that through unity and resilience, we can overcome any obstacle."

The Hogwarts Headmaster's words resonated within Lucian.

He thought about the journey he had taken this year, the friends he had made and the adventures they had shared. Hermione, with her intelligence and unwavering determination, had been a constant source of inspiration for him. From the very first moment they met, he had been captivated by her sharp wit and kind heart.

But now, as the end of the school year approached, reality began to set in. Lucian's heart felt heavy with the knowledge that he would soon be leaving Hogwarts and returning to America. He would have to say goodbye to Hermione, perhaps indefinitely.

As Dumbledore's speech drew to a close, Lucian stole glances at Hermione, his gaze filled with both longing and sadness. For a brief moment, their eyes met, and Lucian saw his own emotions reflected in hers. It was as if time stood still, and the world around them faded into the background.

Lucian and Hermione sat on the cool grass by the lake, the water lapping gently against the shore. They had discussed this moment before, but now it felt heavy with the weight of recent events.

"We'll keep in touch through letters," Lucian said, his eyes lighting up at the prospect of seeing his old friend again. "And I promise to come visit when I go see my father." But then his expression darkened as he added, "It's been a year since I've seen my mother," a hint of sadness creeping into his voice. "Damn floo network doesn't reach across the Atlantic."

Hermione sighed, her fingers absentmindedly tracing patterns on the grass. "I understand, Lucian," she said softly, her voice filled with empathy. "It must be difficult to be torn between two worlds like that."

Lucian nodded, his gaze fixed on the horizon as he thought about his mother back in the States. He missed her dearly and longed for the warmth of her embrace. But at the same time, he couldn't deny the pull and allure of his life in England, where his father resided.

"I know it's not ideal," Lucian said, his voice tinged with regret. "But at least we have the summer holidays to spend some time together. And who knows what the future holds? Maybe one day we'll find a way to bridge the distance between our two worlds."

There was a glimmer of hope in Hermione's eyes as she looked at him. "You're right," she said, her voice filled with determination. "We'll make the most of the time we have together, and we'll find a way to stay connected. Distance won't break us, Lucian."

Lucian's smile was tinged with the colors of the sunset, a mix of warm oranges and melancholic blues. The light glistened in his eyes, reflecting the emotions swirling within him.

The sun cast a warm, golden glow over the lake, creating ripples of light on its surface. In the distance, the trees transformed into silhouettes against the setting sun. Hermione's hair glinted with hints of red and gold as she lay with her head in Lucian's lap, her eyes reflecting the tranquil view before them.

The summer stretched out before them, full of endless possibilities and bittersweet farewells. But with each passing day, Lucian and Hermione promised themselves that they would cherish every moment together and never take their bond for granted.

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