𝟏𝟑: 𝐂𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬

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Lucian's first day at Hogwarts had been a whirlwind of new experiences and familiar faces

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Lucian's first day at Hogwarts had been a whirlwind of new experiences and familiar faces. The Ilvermorny students, including his friends Noah and Lily, were adjusting to their temporary home at the castle, and Lucian couldn't help but keep an eye out for a particular face in the crowd - Hermione Granger.

Throughout the day, he tried to catch Hermione in between classes. Each time the bell signaled the end of a lesson, Lucian would hurry through the crowded corridors, hoping to glimpse her distinctive bushy hair or catch a hint of her voice in the sea of students. But it seemed that every attempt was thwarted by unexpected detours or the press of the crowd.

During lunch in the Great Hall, he scanned the room for her, but the Hogwarts students filled every available seat, and Lucian couldn't find a trace of Hermione among them. Surrounded by his fellow Ilvermorny classmates, he couldn't help but feel a sense of longing.

As the final class of the day came to an end, he was ready to head back to his temporary quarters, resigned to the fact that he might not see Hermione until later. But as he stepped out into the corridor, he was greeted by a pleasant surprise. There, waiting for him just outside the classroom, stood Hermione Granger.

Her eyes lit up when she saw him, and she greeted him with a warm smile. "Hey there, Lucian! Fancy bumping into you. How's your first day at Hogwarts going?"

Lucian was pleasantly surprised and excited to see her. "Hermione, this day's been a rollercoaster, but seeing you makes it all the better."

Hermione's cheeks flushed slightly, and she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "I've missed you too, Lucian. We've got a lot to catch up on."

He nodded, his voice taking on a more casual tone. "So, Hermione, what's your take on the whole Triwizard Tournament thing? And what do you think about having Beauxbatons and Ilvermorny students here at Hogwarts?"

Hermione sighed, her expression turning thoughtful. "Well, I'm excited about the magical cooperation part, but I can't deny the tournament can be pretty dangerous. We've got to be careful."

Lucian appreciated her down-to-earth perspective. "Totally agree. Listen, Hermione, why don't we find a cozy spot to catch up?"

A playful grin crossed Hermione's face. "You read my mind, Lucian. Lead the way."

As they wandered through the halls of Hogwarts, their conversation flowed effortlessly, like two friends who had known each other for years. Hermione, however, had another reason for suggesting a more private spot. She couldn't help but notice the many eyes on Lucian. His popularity was undeniable, and she wanted a moment alone with him, away from the prying eyes of curious onlookers.

She discreetly led Lucian to a secluded alcove hidden from view. "How about here? It's a bit more private, you know?" Hermione suggested, trying to conceal the insecurity she felt in the presence of so many admirers of her friend.

Lucian nodded appreciatively. "Perfect choice, Hermione. Now we can talk without any distractions." He couldn't help but feel a growing fondness for this brilliant and thoughtful girl who had become such an essential part of his life.

As Lucian and Hermione continued to share stories and laughter in their cozy alcove, the sun dipped lower in the sky, casting a warm, golden glow over the castle. They were lost in their conversation, their friendship growing stronger with each passing moment.

Lucian leaned back, a contented smile on his face, reminiscing about his friends from Ilvermorny. "You know, Noah and I once decided to sneak out of the Ilvermorny dormitories in the middle of the night. We wanted to see if we could find the hidden caves near the school. It was a moonlit night, and we thought it would be an adventure."

Hermione's eyes sparkled with curiosity as she leaned in, captivated by Lucian's storytelling.

"We had these small lanterns with us, just enough to light our way but not give us away to the school's security charms," Lucian continued, his voice filled with nostalgia. "Noah kept cracking jokes the entire time, trying to keep our spirits high as we ventured deeper into the woods. We had to navigate through thickets and cross a small creek, all while trying not to make a sound."

Hermione couldn't help but smile at the mental image of Lucian and Noah's daring escapade.

"And Lily," Lucian continued, his voice softening as he spoke of his studious friend, "she'd warned us not to go, of course. But Lily was always the voice of reason. She'd bring books to our Quodpot practices and read while we trained. I remember one time she gave me a book on magical creatures, and I was hooked."

Lucian's gaze met Hermione's, a warmth in his eyes. "Lily's passion for knowledge has always been contagious."

Hermione found herself drawn into Lucian's stories, his descriptions painting vivid pictures of his friends. "What about Emily?" she asked, a hint of curiosity in her voice. Lucian had mentioned her name once or twice during the summer, which had piqued Hermione's interest.

Lucian's smile widened as he remembered his Quodpot mentor. "Ah, Emily Jenkins. She's something else. Emily practically taught me everything I know about Quodpot. She's a force to be reckoned with on the pitch, and she's got a heart of gold off of it. You'd like her, Hermione. She's got this infectious energy and a laugh that can brighten even the gloomiest day."

As Hermione listened, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of something she couldn't quite define. Lucian's fondness for Emily was evident, and though she was happy to hear about his friends, there was a subtle hint of jealousy that lingered in the background. She quickly brushed it aside, focusing on the present and the connection she was building with Lucian, a connection that was growing stronger with every shared moment.

Just as they were about to delve into another story, the sound of approaching footsteps echoed through the corridor. Lucian turned to see Noah, his close friend from Ilvermorny, grinning from ear to ear.

"Hey, Luke!" Noah called out with a friendly wave.

Hermione couldn't help but join in, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Luke, huh? That's a rather charming nickname."

Lucian grinned and gave Noah a playful nudge. "Noah here insists on calling me that."

Noah chuckled and slung an arm around Lucian's shoulders. "Sorry, mate, old habits die hard. Anyway, remember we were going to watch the Hufflepuff Quidditch practice? It's about to start."

Lucian's eyes lit up with excitement, and he turned to Hermione. "I'd love for you to join us, Hermione. This is Noah, my partner in crime."

Hermione extended her hand with a warm smile. "Nice to meet you, Noah."

Noah shook her hand firmly. "Likewise! Any friend of Luke's is a friend of mine. Hermione, you're in for a treat. Hufflepuff's got a promising team this year with Diggory as their captain!"

Hermione, though not typically one for Quidditch practices, was eager to spend more time with Lucian. "I'd be delighted to come along."

With that, the three students made their way to the Quidditch pitch, the golden sun casting long shadows as they walked together.

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