25 | A Soul To Feast Upon

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Gan's clandestine lair, nestled within the heart of the foreboding woods, bore witness to the malevolence that flowed through his very essence. The den, a macabre masterpiece carved into the cold, damp earth, exuded an acrid aroma-an unsettling blend of decaying wood, moist moss, and the faint whiff of putrid flesh. The air itself seemed to pulsate with a sinister energy, enfolding visitors in an invisible shroud that clung to their skin with an icy touch.

Each step into the depth of the den felt like a descent into the abyss of madness. Sinister shadows danced with malevolent glee, as if the very walls reveled in the unspeakable deeds that unfolded within their confines. Flickering candlelight cast grotesque shadows on the uneven walls, revealing eerie symbols etched in crimson across the rough-hewn stones.The interconnected chambers, linked by meandering tunnels, resonated with dissonant whispers that seemed to emanate from the very rock itself. Torturous moans and ghostly murmurs created a haunting cacophony, echoing through the damp corridors like a chorus of lost souls.

One of those chambers harboured an unsettling presence, as six figures draped in ebony cloaks lingered within its shadows. Their garments, as dark as the deepest abyss, voraciously absorbed every modicum of light that dared to filter through the slits and cracks of the rough-hewn rock walls, their features obscured beneath the hooded shroud of their attire. The only perceptible movement was the subtle swaying of the cloaks, as if responding to an imperceptible rhythm in the air.

Upon the coarse gravel floor, lay unmistakably human form, appearing to be more an assemblage of morbidity than a living being, the lifelessness evident, its pallor akin to the ghostly hue of ash. The skin, once a canvas of life, now clung grotesquely to a skeletal frame, each contour delineated by the cruel dance of decay; the sickening sweetness of lingering death permeated the air.

Eyes, now unmoored from their sockets, bulged outward in a grotesque display, their vacant gaze fixed on some unknown horror that transcended the mortal coil. Where lips had once concealed the secrets of speech, now only a ghastly maw remained, teeth bared and arranged with the precision of the skeletal macabre. No remnants of jaw tissues persisted amid the crust that now adorned the gaping mouth, a grim testament of whatever luck had fallen upon the fella. It seems as if the very essence of vitality had been drained from its wretched owner.

Gan in his semi-serpentine form, coiled around with another captive clutched in his claws with razor-sharp talons, whose features mirrored the lifeless figure on the ground. His eyes radiated a crimson glow, akin to precious rubies, lips adorned with a bluish substance, reminiscent of stardust.

He revelled in contentment, a malevolent smile gracing his lips-a smile that one should know better than to be enchanted by when worn by this serpent. For the entire month and a half, he had been sending his minions into the realm of Normies to collect human weaklings for him to feast upon, and throughout this gruesome task, that smile never left his face.

"Oh, how refreshing the essence of humans is. The sadder, more depressed, and filled with malicious intentions they are, the tastier my feasts become," the serpent chuckled with dark amusement.

He released his grip on the human in his clutch, and the bony, crusty form-resembling more charcoal than flesh-met the gravel with a dull 'tok' sound, shattering into macabre pieces.

"Bring me more drunkards," Gan commanded, pointing at the shadowy figure standing before him. "I don't know if it's because they're intoxicated, but they taste the best. It makes me high too, even though I'm merely consuming their soul essence," he chuckled.

The shadowy figure bowed deeply in response, then walked backward a few steps, turning on his heels to exit through a wide oval crack in the rock chamber that served as a door. For many weeks, he had been venturing back and forth into the mortal realm, collecting humans for his master to feed on.

A QUEST OF DEATH : Shadows Never Lie (undergoing MACRO EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now