¡A start of a beautiful friendship!

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It had been a few days since she had been here and she thought she had become a little close with everybody here besides Angel Dust who just ignored her and pushed her away whenever she tried to talk to him which confused him but she was determined to become somewhat friends with Angel Dust no matter what.

"I can't believe you've only been here for like 2 days and now you have become close friends with everybody here!" Charlie said while getting something from her pocket before speaking again "You deserve the friendship sticker!" She spoke as she put a golden star on Cassie's shirt.

Cassie said thank you about everyone else congratulated her afterwards they started to talk among one another, and then Angel stood up and started to head to the door. "Angel, Where are you going? We're not done with today's activity!" Angels Dust just explained and I quoted that "his boss needed him at work for an emergency or something" Cassie found this suspicious well Charlie just said to be safe and come back as soon as possible because they cannot do the activity without everyone here.

Angel Dust just nodded and headed out the door. Cassie found this suspicious and decided to "take a walk" as well, and soon stepped out the door. Cassie noticed that the sky wasn't crying anymore but there was a smell of blood sweat, tears, and sex in the air which made her gagged. Cassie looked around for Angel Dust when she found him Cassie decided to follow him at a distance so as not to get caught. She wondered if the crystal that Asmodeus gave her had different sinner forms so she quickly tested it by going into an alleyway and speaking to the crystal by saying "Change Sinner form!" Nothing happened for a few seconds until the Crystal spoke "Which type of form would you like to change into?" Cassie thought for a moment before saying "Fashionista" It was the first thought that came into Cassie's mind.

After a few more seconds, the crystal started to transform Cassie into a tall sinner whose color palette was only three colors white gray, and black making her look like she was from a movie in 1980.

He had a designer coat with a shirt with a star on it with no sleeves, as well as some gray jeans and some boots. Cassie thought that he looked nice so he exited the alleyway just in time to see Angel Dust turn a corner Cassie quickly followed.


After a while of walking behind  Angel Dust at a distance, he soon arrived at a tall building with three Vs on top of it which confused her but Cassie just continued to walk behind Angel Dust. Angel Dust walked up to a person on the counter and stated his name, the person working at the counter, nodded and told him the floor number that "Valentino" wanted him in. Cassie wondered who Valentino was and wondered if this Valentino was Angel Dust's boss.

Cassie heard that the floor number was floor, 21 and nodded and walked towards the elevator and went inside before the doors closed. Cassie found the same steps as Angel Dust but of course, Cassie had to choose a new name not to get found out so she chose the name "Astro" just because.

The person working at the counter gave Astro a confused, look and asked who he was Cassie I had to lie and say that Valentino requested his services for a business transaction. The person working at the counter accepted this answer and told Cassie that Valentino was on the 21st floor.

Cassie thought the person would get out of the counter for his services and walked towards the elevator. Once Cassie got inside she saw that this building had a maximum of 42 floors which surprised Cassie since it seemed so much smaller outside but she didn't think much of it and pressed the 21st button.

The music inside the Vado was questionable, but she just turned it out. As soon as the elevator door opened, Cassie saw that she found herself in a hallway with pictures of a purple demon who had moth wings. Cassie kept walking into he heard commotion coming from the other side of a door. She peeked inside a little bit to see that the same moth person from the picture was sitting in a chair with other people around him and Cassie looked even more inside to see the other side of the room. She instantly regretted it.

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