Chapter 16: Going Home...

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The last days of school blew past in a blink. River was trying to enjoy the most of it, even with the overwhelming feeling dread inside of him. And constant dreams of Rook, laying lifeless in his arms. On the last night, Archie woke River up. Because he was crying in his sleep, yelling about Rook, telling her to wake up. Dylan and Asher looked over from their beds with worried looks.

Panting, and rubbing tears from his eyes, River said, "I'm sorry... I'm fine, I'm fine... I'm sorry for waking you." Dylan and Asher shared worried looks, before laying back down.

"Are you sure your ok?" Archie asked, his face pale with worry.

"Yeah..." River nodded. "I'm sorry about waking you up, you can go back to bed now, I'm fine now," River managed a weak smile.

"Ok..." Archie said, crawling back in bed. A few minutes later, feint snores from the three other's came from their beds. River knew they were asleep, he sat up in his bed. His heart aching, and tears stinging his eyes.

"I'm pathetic..." River thought. "Pathetic..."

When the morning sun peaked into their windows for the last time as First Years. And the others started to stir in their beds. River quickly laid back down, and pretended to sleep. Having stayed up the rest of the night, so he wouldn't disturb anyone again.

River felt a feint, nudging on his arm, "River, get up," Archie said softly. River's eyes fluttered open, and he pretended to rub the sleep out of them. "It's our last day," Archie said with a sad but excited grin.

River, Archie and Murphy didn't want the school year to end. They wanted to stay together forever, here at Ilvermorny. But that could not happen, so they packed their dorm rooms, filled their trunks with their clothes and school supplies, and shut them tight. Leaving them at the foot of their beds, for the Pukwudgies to take them to the train.

"Wasn't there some thing today?" Archie said.

"We have breakfast, Soot gives the closing speech, then after we get taken to the trains and ride back to Grand Central. Then we say goodbye," River said, not wanting to say the last part.

"River, me you, and maybe Murphy if her parents let her hang out with a Mudblood and a Blood-Traitors son. Sleep overs at each of each others houses. Expect for Murphy, cause that will probably not be possible," Archie said with a grin.

"What's a Blood-Traitor?" River asked.

"A messed up term for a Pure-Blood who married a non Pure-Blood," Archie said. "My mom was Pure-Blood, but married my dad, a Half-Blood."

"Yeah, Papa Graves would not let us in," River laughed. "And being in the same house as Arther, gives me the heebee jibs." Archie and River laughed, as the went down the stairs to the Common Room. Murphy was standing below them near the couch.

"What are you guys laughing at?" Murphy asked.

"Talking about us spending the night at your house," River said. At first Murphy looked confused, then she started laughing.

"Yeah, never going to happen with Father," Murphy said, all three of them laughing loudly.

"Don't worry, though," River said. "Pan already agreed to let you guys come over."

"My parents too," Archie said.

"I'll have to aske my mom privately, she'll say yes, my dad and brother won't even know I'm gone," Murphy smiled.

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