Chapter 23

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I tap the quill against my book, my brows furrowed and my cheek resting in my hand. This essay was getting harder as I wrote more of it.
One of my legs dangle over the arm of the arm chair, the other leg tucked under it. I lean on a cushion propped against the other arm, papers strewn all around me.
I look up and smile at Del as she approaches. She returns it half-heartedly. I frown and ask, "What's wrong," when she flops onto a couch opposite me.
"Wood never lets the team off training anymore!"
I push my bottom lip out in a pout. "Aww, is the poor baby missing her hubby?" I say in a babyish voice. She laughs and throws a cushion at me. I bring my arms up to block it, laughing too.
"Shut up! I bet you're dying that Fred can't talk to you."
I roll my eyes and scoff. "You both wish."
"So you aren't wearing his jersey because you miss him?" She says with a smirk. I look down at my jacket.
"What? This is mine!"
"Sure... Even though I've never seen it before."
"I got it in summer! I haven't worn it yet!"
"Like at a muggle store?"
I throw my hands up. "Yeah!"
"And they had it in your house colours?"
"Well, no, I just changed them to be them," I mutter, tugging on the hem.
She nodded. "Uh huh."
"I did!" I laugh.
"So, what's your lie for why it's a quidditch jersey?" She leans forward, still smirking.
I look back down at it. "Damn... I forgot about that."
Del laughs, throwing her head back. "So, who's is it? Diggory, Weasley, some other admirer of yours?"
I shake my head, returning my attention to my Charms essay.
"Well, who's ever it is," she continues, "I think it's cute."
"Oh, come of it!" I exclaim. We both laugh, and Del finally takes out her own homework.
We work in silence, house elves coming with hot cups of tea and going while holding empty mugs.

Someone sinks into the seat beside me and I look up from my plate to see Cedric.
"Ced! Hey!"
"Hey!" He greets me with a smile, his body turned to face me. I turn slightly as well.
"So I've been thinking."
"Yeah?" I say, biting back a snarky remark.
"You know how I have a game soon."
"Yeah?" I repeat, pretty sure where this is headed.
"Well I was wondering if you'd cheer for me?" He asks.
"Let me talk to my advisor." I say in a fake posh tone. I turn to Del, who's been listening, and quirk an eyebrow. She looks off into the distance, thinking, then turns to me and answers, "Lemon over Lime." I nod, although everyone else looks dumbfounded.
Turning to Ced, I grin and say, "I can cheer for you."
"Great!" He smiles, but furrows his brows after a moment. "But how did you-"
"I wouldn't ponder on it too much." I cut him off, fiddling with my pumpkin juice filled goblet. He nods, his brows still furrowed. "It's going to annoy you all day, isn't it?" I laugh, and he sighs, nodding again.
"I'll figure it out."
"Nah." I respond, smirking.
He chuckles, "What makes you so confident?"
"Nobody can figure it out unless me or Del tell them."
"There's always a first time."
"Well, it's not going to start with you."
He laughs, standing up.
"Well, at least I have my bragging rights cheering for me." I laugh, then bat him away. "Alright, alright, I'll leave!" He laughs, turning and walking back to his own house table.
I turn back to the girls at my own table, being greeted by knowing smiles and smug looks.
"Shut up!" I mutter, even though none of them said anything. Grace smirks, playing with her fork and shoots a glance at Lilly, who frowns.
"I am so winning this." Grace grins.
"Nuh uh!" Lilly shoots back.
I look between them, my brows furrowed. Then realisation hits. "Are you guys betting on my love life?" I hiss.
Grace shrugs. "Maybe."
Lilly giggles. "It's interesting!"
"I really am in a movie." I mutter. Alice, Lilly and Grace look at me confused. I shrug them off, then stand. "I'll see you guys later."

Someone taps me on the shoulder and I look up from my book to see the other Ravenclaw prefect. I smile politely. "Yeah?"
"The professors want everyone down in the Great Hall, like, now." His face is concerned so I instantly jump up. I go up the girl stairs, knocking on each and informing the girls to head down to the Great Hall immediately.
Once I get to my own dorm, I duck in and grab the jersey. It's not cold to me, but I'm not really dressed suitably. I dash up to the last two dorms and tell them to come down. Soon a mob of Ravenclaws are making their way down to the Great Hall.

I race over to Professor Flitwick, as well as my fellow Ravenclaw Prefects. Everyone starts talking over each other, but Professor Flitwick quickly silences us with a charm.
"Sirius Black has been inside the castle. He slashed the portrait to the Gryffindor common room." Everyone gasps. Flitwick glances at me knowingly, and I shift uncomfortably. "So to keep everyone safe, Professor Dumbledore wants everyone to sleep in the Great Hall under strict supervision. The prefects and staff will take turns patrolling the room." We all nod.
Flitwick goes on and instructs me and the other fifth year Ravenclaw prefect to sleep first, and the sixth year prefects will wake us up when it's our turn. He hands us a sleeping bag each and sends us off, turning to the older prefects.

I wave out my sleeping bag next to Del, sitting down and leaning against the wall of the corner we're in. I start shuffling in my book bag, the one I always carry with me. Dread and panic starts filling me as I pull out book after book and parchment after parchment, but I can't find the book I'm looking for.
I look to Del and nudge her slightly.
"Yeah?" She asks groggily, turning over.
"Have you seen my book?"
"Which one?"
"My book." I stress. She sits up, looking concerned.
"No, I haven't. Sorry." I frown and my brows furrow. My fingers absentmindedly play with the zipper of the jersey, and I zone out, thinking of where I last saw it.
I definitely had it on Monday. I needed it then. But I haven't seen it since then.
Percy walks by and gives me a stern look, so I shuffle into the sleeping bag and stare up at the ceiling, one hand playing with my hair and the other over my concealed stomach.
This was going to be a restless night. A panic filled, tear bathed, restless night.

Except For You ~ {Fred Weasley}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt