15 ― love, decha.

Start from the beginning

"Hey, you're the one who told me not to give up," Decha said to her. "Now, would you get out so I can change?"

"Ten minutes," Achara said. "Ten minutes before I leave without you."

Achara backed out of the room and started shutting the door slowly. "Tick, tock. Tick, tock. Tick, tock."

Decha sighed and rolled his eyes. "Would you get out?"

Achara just laughed to herself as she shut the door all the way and walked downstairs to wait for him.

Decha got dressed, and then sprayed his cologne to make sure he smelled good before he went downstairs. Achara was sitting on the couch texting Miguel when he tapped on her shoulder.

She immediately swung her fist around, almost hitting Decha in the jaw. He pulled away before her fist had the chance to collide with his face.

"What the hell?" Decha asked.

"Don't sneak up on me, idiot," Achara responded before looking back down at her phone.

Decha rolled his eyes. "You're literally about to go see him. Why are you texting him love letters?"

"I'm not texting him love letters," Achara replied, standing up and putting her phone in her bag. "Let's go."

Decha was the first one out the door. It had been two weeks since he had seen Demetri. He had gotten his number from Achara. He tried texting him and calling him, but none of his messages or calls went through. Decha figured that he had probably blocked his number.

"Could you stop shaking your leg?" Achara asked as she drove down the road. "You're shaking the whole car."

Decha stopped. "Sorry."

"Are you really that nervous to see Demetri?" Achara asked. "You've got it worse than I thought."

Decha glared at her. "It's been almost three weeks, Chara. He's been avoiding me for three weeks."

"It's just killing you, isn't it? I feel so sorry for you," Achara asked, her voice full of sarcasm.

"You think you're funny, don't you?" Decha asked, Achara nodded her head and chuckled.

When they arrived at the beach, the others were already there waiting for them. Achara walked up to Miguel and gave him a kiss. Decha immediately looked in Demetri's direction. Demetri responded by looking down at the sand, trying to avoid Decha's gaze.

Hawk walked up to Decha, placing a hand on his shoulder. "It's okay, man."

Decha ignored him and walked away, right up to Demetri. He stood in front of him. Demetri tried to walk away, but Decha grabbed his wrist, stopping him.

"Can you please just talk to me?" Decha asked. "At least say hi? Can you go back to calling me names and replying to everything I say with a witty, sarcastic remark?"

Demetri inhaled through his nose and then exhaled with a sigh. "You don't take rejection well, do you?"

Decha smiled. That was the first thing he had heard Demetri say to him since the tournament.

"I don't," Decha replied. "I missed talking to you."

Demetri gulped. "Don't get used to it, Hobbit."

Demetri walked away to talk to the others, leaving Decha standing by himself. The biggest grin spread across his face. Demetri called him Hobbit. Demetri was aware that Decha liked the nickname, but he still called him it anyway. Decha didn't know what to make of it.

"Hey, Decha!"

Decha snapped out of his thoughts and ran over to where the others stood. "What's up?"

"We're about to play volleyball," Hawk told him. "Wanna join?"

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