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Amidst the tumultuous dance of life's symphony,
There lies a beauty in the art of simplicity,
In the gentle whisper of a summer breeze,
In the quiet rustle of autumn leaves.

A single dewdrop on a petal's edge,
A solitary sparrow perched on a hedge,
In the fleeting glance of a lover's eye,
In the innocence of a child's joyful cry.

The elegance of a single, unadorned line,
The purity of a melody, unadulterated and fine,
In the stillness of a tranquil, moonlit night,
In the warmth of a candle's soft, flickering light.

Simple pleasures that the world bestows,
In the fragrance of a single, blooming rose,
In the tender embrace of a heartfelt sigh,
In the unspoken truth of a starlit sky.

For in simplicity lies a profound grace,
A timeless essence that time cannot erase,
In the quiet spaces where beauty resides,
Simplicity unfolds, and the soul abides.

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