Chapter 5 - Going on An Adventure

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The next morning, I woke in my bedroom with a warm blanket draped over my body. I noticed I was wearing the same clothes I wore the night before, which meant I probably fell asleep while staring off into space. When I left the room, I saw my house was perfectly spotless. The mud trail was gone, the pantry completely clean, even my kitchen was perfectly organized. It was also rather quiet, almost too quiet for my liking. There was no sign of the dwarves, nor Gandalf, not even Abigail. The only item that was left in my home was the contract itself sitting on the table. There it sat with three signatures, Thorin Oakenshield, Balin son of Fundin, and Lady Abigail. The only signature left was one of a burglar.

From that moment, I thought of what Abigail told me the night before. This could be my only chance to explore the world outside the Shire, outside of the books and maps I kept in my study. Without a moment to waste, I signed the contract and packed everything I could get my hands on before leaving my home. Only to return in order to grab the contract to prove that I signed it. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me towards the borders of the Shire, hoping I could catch up with Thorin and his company before it was too late. "Mr. Bilbo!" called Mr. Worrywort, "Where are you off to?"
"Can't stop, I'm already late!" I yelled, nearly heading towards the borders
"Late for what?!"
"I'm going on an adventure!"
It was the last I spoke to my neighbors before going off on a quest that would change my life forever.

From the distance, I could see Thorin and his company heading North with Gandalf leading the way. I was glad I made it in time before it was too late. "Wait!" I called, running towards Balin with the contract in hand. The older dwarf kindly takes the contract and checks it to see if what I said was true. I could see in the corner of my eye that Abigail was happy to see that I've changed my mind. "Everything seems to be in order" said Balin, "Welcome, Master Baggins, to the company of Thorin Oakenshield"
Thorin wasn't too thrilled that I made the last minute decision of joining his company, but he reluctantly accepted my presence until we went off. "Give him a pony" he said, much to my surprise, given I've never ridden a pony before.

"Oh, no, that won't be necessary" I told him, "I'm sure I can keep up on foot"
The next thing I knew, I was hoisted up like a rag doll and placed on top of a pony's back. Abigail slowed her pony in order to help me catch up. She giggled and shook her head softly, "You won't get very far on foot, I'm afraid" she said, "A trip to Erebor would take months or even years if you walk the whole time. Though eventually, we will have to continue by foot since the ponies can't travel far."
I nod in silence, understanding the female hobbit riding beside me. It was then I noticed Abigail's attire was much similar to the one she wore when we first met. She was wearing a tan colored short with a brown corset and dark trousers that reached slightly past her knees.

Abigail smiled at me and finally said, "I'm really glad you came"
I smiled in return and said, "Me too, I thought about what you said the other night. You were right, the world isn't in my books or maps. It's better to experience them in person"
The two of us laughed until I felt my nose twitch from the feeling of horsehair entering my nostrils. I reached into my pocket for my handkerchief, seeing I left it back at home. I told the company we need to go back until Bofur tossed a rather nasty looking cloth before they continued the path. "You'll have to manage without pocket-handkerchiefs and a good many things, Bilbo Baggins, before we reach our journey's end" said Gandalf, making his way towards me and Abigail, "You were born on the rolling hills and little rivers of the Shire, but home is behind you. The world is ahead as Abigail has told you"

Out of nowhere, bags of money were flying off left and right. I watched in confusion and turned to Gandalf, "what's that about?" I asked
"Well, they took wagers" Gandalf explained, "on whether or not you would turn up"
"Most of them bet that you wouldn't" said Abigail before catching a bag of money, tossed by Bofur
Seeing the smile on her face showed she'd won her share of the wager. I turned to Gandalf who caught his share of the wager, showing he thought I'd turn up as well. The wizard chuckled and said, "My dear fellow, I never doubted you for a second"

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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