Chapter 1 - The Wandering Wizard

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It was a beautiful late autumn's morning as I sat on my bench smoking a small stash of pipe-weed. Abigail left early this morning to fetch some food for luncheon, afternoon tea, dinner, and supper. Everything was going well until I felt the smoke from my pipe hit me in the nostrils and was greeted by a tall figure. We don't usually get a lot of visitors outside the Shire, especially taller visitors. This man was indeed tall as I mentioned earlier, wearing a large pointy hat which matched his gray attire. He even had a long gray beard and walking stick, which appeared to be more of a staff if I ever saw one in books. I sat awkwardly on my bench before saying, "Good morning"
"What do you mean?" the stranger asked, "Do you mean to wish me a 'Good morning' or do you mean it is a good morning whether I want it or not? Or perhaps you mean to say that you feel 'good' on this particular morning? Or are you simply stating this is a morning to be good on?"

I sat there for a moment and answered the ridiculous questions, "All of them at once I suppose"
The strange figure stared down at me for a moment, as if he was trying to read me or possibly something much worse. Of course, I didn't say anything, but I do wish Abigail were here to help if she wasn't down at the market. "Can I help you?" I asked
"That remains to be seen" the man responds suspiciously, "I'm looking for someone to share an adventure"
An 'Adventure' he said, asking me, a mere hobbit, to join him on an adventure. Perhaps he'd mistaken me for someone like Abigail, I'm sure she would be more interested in the idea since she knows more about Middle-earth than I do. But at the same time, I don't want her to leave, it also shows that Abigail enjoys life here. So, I did what I had to do.

"Well, I don't imagine anyone in Western Bree would have much interest in adventures" I told him as I stood to check my daily mail, "Nasty, disturbing, uncomfortable things. Make you late for dinner. Good Morning"
Before I even took a few more steps inside, the man stops me and says, "Do you think I should have lived to be 'Good Morning' my Belladonna Took's son as if I were selling buttons at the door"
It was rather easy to tell the man was offended by the tone of his voice. I stood in confusion as if I was supposed to know who he was, but I don't recall a thing about him. "You've changed and not entirely for the better Bilbo Baggins" he said, rather disappointed in something I did
"I'm sorry, do I know you?" I asked
"Well, you know my name although you don't know I belong to it. I'm Gandalf and Gandalf means... me"

The moment the wizard told me his name, I remembered Gandalf as the wandering wizard who was well known for his excellent fireworks every midsummer's eve. "No idea you were still in business" I told him, smoking the last bit of my pipe-weed.
"And where else should I be?" asked Gandalf
I said nothing and pretend to smoke my pipe again
"Well, I'm pleased to find you remember something about me. Even if it's only my fireworks"
I could tell the wizard was somewhat disappointed, but in all honesty, I too was disappointed in myself for not recognizing him sooner. "Well, that's decided," he said, "It'll be very good for you and most amusing for me. I shall inform the others"
Others? I thought, until I realized he was inviting himself over with the possibility of other wizards to my house. I tried to stop him by saying, "We do not want any adventures here, thank you! Not today, not to-" I paused, "Good morning"

Without another word, I entered my house and immediately locked the door so no one would disturb me anymore. Just to be sure I was safe, I quickly glanced at the window to see a large eye staring back at me. I leave the window and hide from plain sight until Gandalf leaves. A knock on the door startled me for a moment as I unlocked the door and opened it to reveal a confused Abigail. "Are you alright, Mr. Baggins?" she asked with concern, "I didn't expect you to lock me out of the house"
"Oh, no I assure you I didn't mean to lock you out, Abigail" I told her, gently guiding her inside before closing the door and glancing out the window once again.
Abigail placed the basket of food on the table nearby before slowly approaching me, "What's the matter, Bilbo? You're acting all skittish"

"I'm just fine" I lied, not wanting her to worry, which I probably did, "I just need to grab some food for supper tonight"
"But I just came from the market"
"Oh, well we need more. Lots more, yes! Just get second breakfast ready and I'll join you shortly"
Without a word from Abigail, I left the house with my coat and headed straight to the market. I was practically scolding myself for saying such things to Abigail, but I didn't want her to get involved with these 'adventures' the wizard told me, nor the wizard himself. Everything seemed to be normal when I made it to the markets, hobbits minding their own business, children playing, and merchants selling food and other essentials. I decided to buy a fish for supper until I bump into one of my neighbors selling his famous turnips. "Now I-I don't suppose you'd seen a wizard around these parts?" I asked, frantically looking around the area.
"Tall fellow" said Mr. Worrywort, "long gray beard, pointy hat... Can't say I have"

I noticed what appeared to be a pointy hat, hiding myself from plain sight behind Mr. Warrywort. Eventually I bent down and hurried my way across the bridge. To my surprise, that pointy hat was nothing but a large pillow sitting on top of a basket. I sighed in relief before making my way back home. The smell of second breakfast welcomed me at the door, followed by the sight of Abigail setting the table for the two of us and pouring a cup of coffee. "Welcome back, Bilbo'' she greeted, "Did you get your supper?"
I looked at her confused, until I looked down at the fish in my hand, "Oh, yes! Yes, I brought supper"
Abigail giggled before pulling a chair for me to sit before taking her seat opposite me.

At this moment, I could barely take a single bite of a second breakfast after the encounter with Gandalf earlier that day. Abigail seem to noticed and sets her plate aside, "Something's troubling you, Mr. Baggins" she said, "But if you don't wish to speak of it, that's alright"
I hesitated to speak before taking a deep breath and said, "Abigail, you wouldn't by any chance see a wizard in your life, have you?"
Abigail looked puzzled for a moment. "Once" she said, "But that was a long time ago, 10 years ago to be exact. It was a few days before I came here to the Shire. Why do you ask?"
"N-no reason" I lied, "Just had a feeling that a wizard might've been here this morning"
Abigail decided not to question it and simply nodded before eating her second breakfast. I felt terrible for lying to the hobbit before me, but I had no idea what else to say.

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