Prologue - The Outsider

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My dear Frodo, you asked me once if I had told you everything there was about my adventures. And while I can honestly say I have told you the truth. I may have not told you all of it.

Many years ago, there was another hobbit, but not just an ordinary hobbit. Oh no, this particular hobbit isn't one from the Shire, over the hill, or by the lake. She is known to others as an outsider. Her name was Abigail, a hobbit born into a world of danger, adventure, and above all beauty. The first time I ever met Abigail was on a cool summer's eve, I was heading home after visiting the annual festival when I came upon a strange figure from the distance. It was hard to tell whether it was a dwarf or a small human by the way they were dressed. A hood covered their face so it was hard to see, even under the moonlight and bright fireworks. It wasn't until this stranger collapsed upon exhaustion and possible hunger that I did something about it. When I asked if the outsider was alright, there was no response. So I carefully removed their hood to see their faces.

With the light of the fireworks and the moonlight, it was clear to see this outsider was a young woman. But she wasn't a human, she was a hobbit. It was rather strange for a hobbit to collapse upon exhaustion and hunger, not unless you skipped one too many meals. It was also hard to tell if she was hurt or not. At this point I wasn't sure what to do, the neighbors were still at the festival, so I couldn't leave her out in the streets. Instead, I carefully took this outsider to my home. Thankfully she wasn't too heavy, or perhaps a little bit, but she wasn't far from where I lived in the Shire. Being the gentleman that I am, I cleaned her as best as I could, even let her sleep in my bed for the time being. Under the candle light, I couldn't help but wonder where she'd come from. It was rather obvious that this young hobbit wasn't from around the Shire. Perhaps she was from another Hobbit town or village? Either way, this outsider was rather odd, especially for a hobbit who carries weapons such as daggers and a sword.

There was also one thing I thought of when I looked at her sleeping face. She was an extraordinary beauty. In all my life, I have seen many hobbits with lovely faces, but this one was exceptionally different from the rest. Her soft ivory skin glowing beneath the candle light, her long brown curls neatly spread across the silk pillow with just a few braids here and there. If only I could see the color of her eyes, imagining a lovely blue like diamonds or perhaps the blue sky. Just when I was about to wipe her face with a wet cloth, the outsider woke up with a fright, throwing herself towards me and pinned me to the wall with a sharp blade to my neck. Her eyes sent daggers towards my frightened green ones. "J-just a minute, please" I said, "Let's not be rash here. I assure you, I'm not here to harm you"
The other pressed her blade further into my neck, not enough to draw blood, but enough for a warning.
"I swear, you are perfectly safe here"
"Who are you?" she asked, like a hissing snake
"M-my name is Bilbo Baggins. I am a hobbit, just like you"
"Lies. There are no hobbit like me, you're just a dwarf who's behind on his growth spurt"
"I assure you, miss, I am a hobbit"

She paused, looking at me from head to toe, taking in every detail she could possibly see within the candle light. It was then she slowly pulled away, allowing me to breath, with her dagger in hand. Of course, I kept my distance as the stranger slowly climbed onto the bed, the tip of her weapon pointing straight at me. "Where am I?" she asked, glaring at me, "What is this place? Why am I here?"
"I-I understand you are confused" I told her calmly, "But you are perfectly safe here. This is the Shire, the Northwest of Middle-earth if you must know. There are other hobbits like us outside. You're in my house and you were lying unconscious outside so I brought you here"
The sound of the kettle was heard across the hall, I politely excused myself and allowed this young hobbit some space. You could easily tell this was a lot to take in for a hobbit who's never met other hobbits like herself.

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