Day 2 part 2 kinda

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So the day has been kinds crazy, found a random crystal that does magic, found weird food that tasted worse than uncle Ed's cooking 

For real that man has a stomach of steel

I once saw him eating the most overcooked rice I've ever seen like it was black and burnt and he still ate it 


Anywho, we found a wanted poster for this vulture guy and while he was hot he was kinda sorta very much a dick, he hit me in the head with a cage, felt scars and made fun of the fact that right now I'm still a novice mage! not my fault I landed here YESTERDAY but I still managed to figure out a spell with no teaching whatsoever

After that I don't really remember much

I thought a blacked out but when I regained consciousness I saw this dude passed out on the floor in front of Max who looked like he just killed him

Max said my eyes went red which, cool, but also kinda concerning 

Hope that doesn't cause problems later 

But I did learn new spell Verto. With it I can teleport so that'll be helpful 

We also found our way to the kingdom of Ash Vannah 


Savannah Ash Vannah fuck sake! That's why a lion is king, top of the food chain

Oh yea the king here is a lion and I don't know how he couldn't tell I was freaking the fuck out 

Somehow I was able to play off that I was calm and collected but I've never been in front of a king before, I was just going off of what the predetermined text is in City Of The Night but somehow that fuckin worked

How?! IDK

I got some clothes with the reward money and now now we're actually in an inn, this little bee girl showed up and let us stay here for free 


This is most likely to steal what little shit we have 

In fact we have nothing other than a bit of food, the prick stole Max's phone and I only have my book, the money we got from bringing in the prick and the crystal 

I have the fucking crystal 

That may be something worth protecting 

 Bees are normal here but by the accent she doesn't seem like she's from this kingdom, she sounds like she'd be from the countryside or a little farming community but not a savannah that looks like its mostly populated by predators 

Something's off about her 

Max is on to her but to catch her I need to 'trust' her 

I need to stay up to make sure she doesn't catch us out to steal our shit 

Shit goes down I can try to use Verto to teleport out of here and Ignacio to light our way out of the kingdom and back to the forest 

Best case, she's also a criminal someplace else, that's why she's so out of place here, we could bring her to whoever wants her and get a bit more reward money to get some gear 

This is going to be a long night


Ignacio = fire

Verto = teleport

Oh and I think the intensity of my voice proves how powerful the spell is 

When I scream Ignacio I get a pretty powerful blast but when I reduced my voice to a whisper I got a single ember 

I'll do some experimenting tomorrow 

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