Catastrophe set loose

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1 year later after Izuku was sent to Juvenile. Multiple events took place. And Multiple events took place with Izuku.  He spawned in his minions.  While he was I the Juvenile. He spectated his sister playing two more unique games with Katsuki.

One was devil may cry and another was   Yggrasil a vrmmorpg from the Overlord anime.

Izuku's system notified him that he can Play the games as Simulations. It was mistake for as he had to struggle a lot to complete the other Simulations leading to him being stronger exceptionally. He used all the power that he had gained from the other Simulations and used it to go to the top of the Elden Ring/Dark souls simulation. Becoming the Elden lord the God of that simulation .

Now we get to the scene where Izuku is getting released from the Juvenile.

Izuku's mother was standing infront of the center waiting for him. When suddenly the huge door of the Juvenile opened.

Izuku now being quite tall and bulked up. Walks out of the Juvenile with a fancy leather coat and fancy glasses.

All the other Juvenile inmates and the guards of  the Juvenile salutes him while he is leaving. Because he has made quite the reputation in the Juvenile.  Being at the top of the food  chain as  he not only made the police higher-ups but also other high class officers surrender to him. Not many know about his existence other than those and who surrendered to him and his family.

Izuku while he was in the prison spawned his minions who played for him to take control of the society from inside the Juvenile.

These minions looks human like but they are exceptionally powerful and malice might makes you think they are devil incarnate. But even being this malice they will not go against their master's orders. These beings consist of:-

A human magician who was born in a ruined royal family. He was attracted to magic in his lifetime but due to coming from a ruined royal family he couldn't learn magic other than Earth magic. And due to curse of some Elder gods his life became an eternal nightmare. An husk of his older self. Bound to an amulet.

Izuku found this amulet and when got his hands on it he was informed that he can summon the being bounded to the amulet. He summoned it but after seeing the frail sorcerer he felt it was useless.  But when he read it's item description history he felt sorry for the being. Izuku kept the old soul with him.

And after getting Multiple books to learn magic . He gave them to the sorcerer. Because of Izuku's this act the old soul was emotionally driven.  As he swears his eternal loyalty to him.

As Izuku and the old soul became stronger and stronger the old soul's figure starts to become better.  Because of Izuku he got a new cause. He got to fulfill his dreams and also take his revenge on the gods

And there other beings who also became loyal servants to him.

A demon who was once was the demon God pledged his loyalty to him as he sees the potential of the new Eternal Lord.

He defeated Izuku Multiple times but Izuku never gave up. And when he was about to kill him the demon God suggested to have a master and servant relationship.  As he suggests he will help him in his quest.

Izuku was skeptical. He kept his eyes on him even after accepting him as a servant. If he would ever betray he will kill him. But it never happened as the Demon God really gave up his all to Izuku.

Author:Ok I will stop introducing minions and introduce them in later chapters.

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