The Darkest Soul

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Izuku Yagi was a happy normal child born into a happy small family which consists of his mother Inko, father Toshinori and sister Izumi.  Izuku and Izumi were on the same day but Izumi was some seconds older than Izuku.

4 years old Izuku was woke up and got out of his bed excitedly. He ran into his sister's room and started shaking her violently.

Izuku: Wake up sis today is our quirk test day! Aren't you excited?

Izumi: (woke up from her sleep with widened eyes) Yes today is our quirk test day . Are mom and dad ready?

Izuku: Well I came here to wake you up so we can do it together.

Izumi: So what are you waiting for let's go!

As they both ran into their parents bedroom. And dived into their beds .

Izuku&Izumi: Hyaahh!

Toshinori&Inko: Ouch! What the what are you guys doing here in the morning?

Izuku&Izumi: Today is the Quirk test day wake up!

Inko: Sweeties please let us sleep some more .

Izuku&Izumi: Nonono you have to wake up!( as they start pulling the bed sheets)

Toshinori: Alright , alright we are getting up . Go fresh yourselves up first.

Izuku&Izumi: Okieess!(as they both ran to bathroom)

Inko: they were really excited. I hope they will get good quirks or they will be so disappointed right.

Toshinori: Hmmmmm. (As he fell asleep)

Inko: Wake up you Baka!

Toshinori: I am up am up!


As they proceed to freshen themselves up and Inko goes down to make breakfast.

      ●●Timeskip to when they are in the clinic ●●

Izumi: I will get a quirk similar to Allmight!

Izuku: But Izumi our father isn't Allmight.

(Hearing this Toshinori almost lost balance in his seat)

Izumi: Oh you're right . Ugggh well we will get super cool quirks and become like Allmight and Teleka!

Izuku: Yes probably.

As the quirk doctor calls them in for checkup.

Dr.Garaki: Alright Yagis you are here for the childrens' quirk test.  Am I right?

Izuku&Izumi: Yes!

Dr.Garaki: Alright I will need to get some blood samples from both of you .

As he brings two syringes and take samples of their blood .

Dr.Garaki: Please wait here I will be back. Uhu(cough)

After testing he comes with results.

Dr.Garaki: Alright I have their test results.  Which one do you want to hear first.

Toshinori: Izumi's.

Dr.Garaki:(coughs again) Alright Little Izumi here has a Telekinetic Quirk. She can use the quirk both like a telekinesis quirk and a strength type quirk. If she uses it like a telekinesis quirk then she will have severe headaches if not trained and if she uses it as a physical enhancer then her limbs need to be trained or she might have severe injuries.

Izumi: Yaaaaayyy I have a rare quirk.

Dr.Garaki: Well it's not really rare to have two quirks combined into one .

Izumi: Oh ok . Sorry.

Dr.Garaki: It's alright. Now young Izuku's quirk he has a quirk that acts like a system.

All four:What?

Dr.Garaki: He has a quirk like a computer if you know what I mean . Well that's what I understood as this was given this name by the quirkutos apparatus. So basically he can store knowledge.  That's what I understood it  didn't had any description also . So it's a new quirk . He is like a living SD card.

Izuku: So it's not a strong quirk?(sad)

Dr.Garaki: Yes it's not. For atleast any action other than study and learning.

Izuku: Oh okay. (Holding back tears)

The Yagi family left cheering for Izumi and Izuku behind them.

   ●●Timeskip to when they arrived home ●●

Toshinori:Alright it's time for a celebration what do you guys want o eat tell me.

Izuku was about to say when Izumi said.

Izumi: Udon!I want Udon!

Toshinori: Alright Udon it is for today's menu . Inko you know what to do.

Inko:Yep . (As she went inside the kitchen to cook Udon for everyone)

Izuku stayed silent . He shrugged it off and accepted it as it is.

●● After dinner all of them were under there bed sheets ●●

Izuku: I will become  a hero even with this quirk. ( As he prays while looking at the and spots a star falling) . Please help me make my dream come true.(As he wishes)

Even though Izuku wished . He really didn't need that.

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