Taking Revenge

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Izuku walked down stairs in his uniform . Which he stitched before going to bed. It wasn't as good as new but it was better than before. When he came down he saw that his family was waiting for him.

Toshinori:Morning son! (With a smile)

Izuku was wierded out as why were they waiting for him and why did his father greet him.

Izuku: Morning?(as he takes his seat) Were you guys are waiting for me?

Inko: Yes.

Izuku was now shocked. After so many years why did they wait for him. He didn't question it much he minded his own business and started praying to God and thanking him for the meal.(Japanese gods) after praying they started  eating their meal. Everyone was talking with each other about various subjects except Izuku who was enjoying his meal. After a long time he was eating a hot homemade meal made by his mother . He is grateful to God.

As he was eating Izumi was talking about Job wish paper which will be given to them today.

Izumi: And we will be able to choose our job and write it down in the form.

Toshinori:The systems have quite changed . When I was a school student there wasn't such forms. It's probably to motivate the students to work on their dream jobs. So Izumi,  what kind of job do you want to do?

Izumi:Dad obviously hero job. It's my childhood dream to be like Allmight.

Toshinori:Ahahaha.  Good though the job is pretty risky. Do you think you can deal that?

Izumi:Yes! I can ! And I will!

Inko: That's the spirit!

Toshinori now looked at Izuku.

Toshinori: Izuku, what job do you think you will be choosing?

Izuku:Don't know . Still haven't think about it. Probably hero job. It's also my dream to be a hero like Allmight.

Inko:Izuku I am sorry but with your quirk it will be way too risky for you.  Plus if you want to get in a hero school then you need to get good marks in Hero test. I know you're good at studies but what about the physical exam? How will you pass that. With you system quirk it's better if you join the business management of UA. They can teach you a lot of things about Business.

Toshinori: Yes Izuku you mother is right.

Izuku looked at his palm then remembered all the doings of his simulation life. He lies to them.

Izuku:Alright I will think about it. He looks at his watch then gets up from the seat.

Izuku:I am getting late for school. And I am done eating. (As he leaves the scenario)

Everyone their was worried for Izuku. Even if gets into the hero section it will be way too dangerous for him.

Izuku leaves the house and went on his way to school. As he arrives before Izumi and Bakugo. He sits down his seat not paying attention to his classmates as so they doing the same.

Izuku put down his head on his desk. And said simulation start. As he fell asleep in real life but wokes up in his simulation. He was still on the plater.

It was now night time . There was dark everywhere and danger lurking in the shadows. But he didn't care as he went onwards towards the same Huge Knight on the horse with the huge shield.

Izuku dashed towards the knight just hit on the horse. The horse screams as they both turned around facing him as they attacked him. The knight uses the horse also as weapon to stomp on Izuku. Izuku dodges the knight and then used the general's Sword to slash the Knight and his horse. They took some damage. Then the knight used his shield to bash him but Izuku dashed reverse to dodge the attack then went forwards to slash him again.  The Knight suddenly used his sword to attack him directly.  Izuku was able to parry it but took some damage as he was hit pretty hard. Almost more than half of his health was gone he retreated then chugged a Crimson flask to heal. He was at 75 percent of his health. The knight was 90 percent of his health.

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