what's happening to beca

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Chloe's POV

I wake up the next morning and I see my clothes all around my bedroom floor I then look next to me and see beca I rub my eyes and sit up and lean over near beca I give her a light kiss on her shoulder and then get out of bed and puts some clothes on I walk out of the room and walk downstairs to make me and beca something. Aubrey walks in and a jump "holy shit" "sorry sorry" she laughs "so how was your night will beca "what do you mean" I make us a coffee "you know exactly what I mean you two have got it on" "omg Aubrey shush" she laughs again and I roll my eyes "it's not funny" beca walks in and wraps her arms around my waist "what's not funny" she rests her head on my back "nothing don't worry about it beca" Aubrey says to her and I smile at beca "good morning beautiful" she smiles at me and kisses my cheek "good morning" Aubrey pulls a face "okay eww I'll be back later and make sure your ready for the auditions" "we will" Aubrey walks out and I turn around to face beca and she yawns and stretches "AHH I see now your wearing my clothes" "oh shush Beale" I laugh and wraps my arms around her "how'd you sleep" "pretty amazing what about you" she plays with my hair "yh same" i pass her a coffee and she takes a sip "thanks" I smile at her and kiss her cheek i then turn back around and finish making pancakes and sit at the table next to beca and notices that shes not eating "baby why aren't you eating" beca looks at me in shock "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to call you that" she shrugs at me "ummm I'm not eating because ummm nothing" "becs" I see her start to tear up "I don't eat" "what why" "I just don't like eating im sorry" i put an arm around her "becs you can talk to me" she shakes her head and i know somthing is not right why isn't she eating is that why shes so skinny

I look into her eyes "can I ask you something" she nods and doesn't say anything "when was the last time to had something to eat" she shrugs again and shakes her head "I can't remember" I place my hand on her leg "talk to me please tell me what's going on" she starts to cry and looks away "before I came to barden with Amy" I nod "my dad and Step mom there not" she takes a deep breath "there not nice they said nasty things and I know there true but it's hurting me and" I cut her off by kissing her "okay becs tell me what they say to you" she shakes her head and cries more "I can't I can't" I quickly pull her into a hug and let her cry "shhh its okay" she slowly calms down and starts to talk again "my mom left my dad when i was younger and he blamed it on me he would get drunk every night and he would hit me but when Sheila my step mom. Came into my dad's life he stopped but when I told him I was gay he didn't like it and Neither did she they called me pathetic...fat and that I would never find everyone who would love me for who I am they both started beating me up and my dad still does he says that I'm his biggest mistake and that I don't belong in this world" I start to cry "he always says this world is too good for me" I cry more and pull her into a tighter hug "please don't listen to them becs ignore them they don't deserve you you are not fat you will never be fat what they have done to you is wrong you shouldn't have to go through that it's horrible" I kiss her cheek a couple of times "you are amazing and you will always be amazing no matter what I love you" I say the last bit really quietly not thinking that she heard me but she did "I love you too" she whispers and wipes her eyes I rub her back "please don't ever listen to them you are perfect" she nods and hides her face again "does Amy know about this" she shakes her head "I thought you and Amy are best friends and that you told eachother everything " "I only told her things that he called me but not him hurting me I have only told you because.... because I trust you and feel safe around you" I smile "well I'm glad that you can trust me and that you feel safe" she looks at me with a weak smile "what time do we have to be at auditions" "in a couple of hours why" "can you come to my dorm room with me" I nod and stand up and she does the same I grab her hand and walk out of the Bella house "thank you" she says quietly and we walk "you don't need to thank me becs" we get to beca's dorm room and I sit on her bed whilst she gets changed into her own clothes "where is Amy" i ask beca and she looks at me "im not sure ill call her" after beca gets changed she grabs her phone and calls amy "amy hi where are you.....what....what are you doing there we have auditions in a couple of hours" she then puts it on loud speaker "well i got a text from your half brother liam saying that he needs help your dad won't let him leave the house" amy says and beca tears up "amy has he told dad" "umm yh i think so" "omg why i told him to do it when he is with me" i quickly stand up and grab beca's phon "amy we are on are way we wont be long" i grab beca's hand and run out of the dorm we run to the bella house and get into my car and i drive as quickly as i can to beca's dads house

She quickly gets out the car and runs into the house and I follow behind her "beca slow down" "no" she cries more and runs up the stairs and bangs on a room door "let me in" "beca" a man shouts from in the room "i swear dad if you hurt him I will kill you" he laughs and then i hear a cry come from someone else "beca please help" he cries out and beca tries kicking the door down "i said let me in" she shouts and kicks the door again the guy opens the door and beca falls but she quickly gets back up again "i told you not to come back here and did ypu listen no you didn't" he says and then grabs beca by the throat and pushes her up against the wall "why don't you listen to me" "get off her" i try getting him of her but he pushes me away "you stay out of this" he grabs beca and takes her into a different room and i try to follow but he locks the door
Amy runs in and helps Liam stand up and all I can hear is beca yelling at her dad telling him to stop and her crying I bang on the door and shout "don't you fucking hurt her" he laughs louder and beca cries more

Beca's POV

"Dad get off me please I'm sorry" "shut up you pathetic peace of shit" he hurts me more and grabs his belt and whips me with it
I cry harder "I said get off me" he pushes me onto the bed and whips me more "I hear Chloe shout and tell Amy to help her kick the door down but it doesn't work my dad keeps hitting me and calling me nasty names Chloe finally kicks the door down and pushes my dad away and I curl up into a ball and cry more Amy runs in and hits my dad whilst Chloe runs over to me and tries calming me down "hey becs its okay I'm here" she picks me up and holds me near "iv got you your safe" she kisses my cheek and walks out of the room Liam follows Chloe out of the house and Chloe helps me into the car and Liam gets into the back she then kisses my head and runs back into the house

Chloe's POV

I run back into the house and goes up to beca's step mom "and you should know god damn well not to let her dad treat her like that and yes I know exactly what you have done to her she has told me I don't care who you are I just think it's not right for you or your husband to treat beca like that she is a nice caring person and I love her that is not going to change" I shout at her and I turn a bright red "you should be ashamed of yourself doing all those things to your step daughter it's wrong you call her pathetic and fat she is non of them WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS" her step mom looks at me in shock and then she tears up "who the hell do you think you are coming in my house and shouting at me like that and telling me how to look after MY STEP DAUGHTER" "I'll tell you who I fucking am im chloe beale beca's girlfriend and i will do anything to make sure she is okay i don't want you or your husband near her ever again" i walk to the stairs and shout "amy come on we are going" amy runs downstairs and gets into the car next to liam and then i get into the driver seat "becs i promise he will never hurt you again"
I notice that she is still crying so I grab her hand and start to drive and then Amy asks me a question "Chloe what you said in there was in true" "Amy most of it was true" I look over at beca and see her sleeping and here poor little body full of bruises and cuts Amy then looks at me "no I mean do you really love her" I nod "yh I love her so much" Amy smiles "I will do anything for her" "Chloe you know beca loves you back right?" "She does" Amy nods "she wouldn't stop talking about you the other day and she felt really embarrassed" I smile and hold her hand tightly "she feels safe with you Chloe you need to look after her" I nod "I will I promise" Amy then smiles more and sits back "you okay Liam" Amy talks to Liam to make sure he is okay "yh just some bruises that all I'm not as bad as beca he does it to her quite a lot" a tear rolls down my cheek and Liam starts to cry "she is the best sister ever she looks after me if something bad happens she is always there she hides her feelings she doesn't lile people knowing about what goes on she puts a fake smile on every day" I stroke the back of beca's hand "Liam I promise that nothing like that will ever happen to you or your sister again I'll look after you both" he nods and then looks out the window "thank you Chloe" I give him a weak smile and carry on driving "Amy can you call Aubrey and tell her that beca won't be auditioning but beca is still going to be a Bella" amy then comes up with an Idea "i have a recording of beca singing ill show her that" "okay yh thats amazing thank you amy"
Amy nods and then calls Aubrey and tells her.  Aubrey is in shock with what has gone on but she agrees that beca will be a Bella and that Chloe should take beca and Liam to the Bella house so they can get some rest



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