she's in pain

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Chloe's POV

We arrive at the Bella house and beca is still sleeping. I quickly get out and walk round the other side. I open the car door and gently pick beca up. she slowly starts to wake up "mhmm" I walk into the house still carrying her and then I gently place her down on the couch"ow ow ow" she's in a lot of pain "Chloe" she says my name really weak and I look at her "you okay" she looks and a tear rolls down her cheek "it hurts" she cries in pain "im sorry becs" she shakes her head at me and i run into the kitchen and grab an ice pack
I run back to beca and crouch down Infront of her "becs can you take you shirt off so I can have a look please" she looks around the room and then Liam walks over and helps her take it off  my eyes widen when I see beca's body in bruises and cuts. Liam then looks at Amy and they both turn around and move closer to beca and  gently place the ice pack on the bruises and she hisses in pain "sorry sorry sorry" she shakes her head again Liam turns around and gives me a weak smile "thank you for helping us Chloe" I smile at him and then Amy turns around "beca I'm so so sorry I shouldn't have called I shouldn't have told you I could have helped Liam on my own and now your hurt this is all my fault" "amy don't blame yourself she needed to know" amy nods and beca shakes her head "shhh" "baca no this is bad look at you your all weak" "amy" she says her name weak beca then looks at me and i sit next to her "becs come here" she slowly moves closer to me and i gently kiss her cheek "your safe i promise" i whisper
And she gives me a weak smile

Beca hides her face into my neck and I wrap a blanket around her and hold her close to keep her warm
"Umm beca" Liam looks at her "do you know where mom lives" she shakes her head "mom hasn't talked to me in a long time" "oh" Liam looks down "you do know you have other siblings right" she nods and then closes her eyes "I feel so weak" "I know you do" Aubrey walks in with the new Bella's and tells them all to be quiet they all walk over to us and some sit on the couch next to us "beca what's wrong" Stacie says looking at beca and then Amy starts talking "Liam was at John's house and beca tried saving Liam but then it all went bad" Stacie nods and then looks at liam "hey man" "hi stac" they both smile at each other
Aubrey walks over to me and mouths "is she okay" I nod but then shake my head "she's full of cuts and bruises" her jaw drops "omg poor thing" "hey Aubrey I thought you hate beca" Amy says "um no I only hate the way she dresses" Amy then rolls her eyes "can someone please take beca for who she is and not what she is" I look at Amy "I do take beca for who she is"
"Sorry" Aubrey apologizes "it's fine" Amy sits on the floor "so who do we have here Aubrey" "so we have lilly Jessica Ashley Cynthia rose Emily and Flo and Stacie" I smile "nice" Aubrey then stands up "so guys we have to sort the rooms out but we need to know who are room mates" amy looks at me "can I have my own room" I nod and then Cynthia looks at us "I'll share with Stacie or Flo I don't find" "okay Cynthia and Flo lilly and Emily" they nod  "and Jessica and Ashley" "okay" they both say at the same time "and beca can rather share a room with me or chloe or she gets her own room" i look at Aubrey "she would probably want to be with me"
"Is Liam staying with us for a while" Aubrey asks me and I nod "right then Bella's go get your things and bring them here and then get your rooms sorted" Amy then grabs Liam's hand "I'll take Liam with me to get beca's things" Aubrey nods at them and they all leave to get there things
Beca whispers "I want to stay with you" I smile "okay you can stay with me" "thank you" Aubrey smiles "okay that is definitely sorted then" "yep" "I'll make us all a coffee" Aubrey stands up and goes to the kitchen and makes us a coffee
Beca slowly looks up at me and I smile at her "how are you feeling" I move a peace of her hair out of her face "it hurts so much I haven't been in this much pain in ages" I pout "my poor baby" "what?" "I said my poor baby" she slowly places a kiss on my cheek "when did I become yours" "good question" I look at her "beca I know you probably think I'm weird but I love you I have loved you from the moment I laid my eyes on you I never thought I would find someone who I love or who would care about me because of what I have. I have never felt this way in my life before" she tears up "beca will you be my girlfriend" she smiles and nods "yes 100% yes" I kiss her and smile "I love you" "I love you to Beale"



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