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Ace returned in the evening when Tokyo pinched Nora, and the guy started fake crying.

"No, momma, no! I want it... Look how beautiful this jacket is... Can't you get a job? I want this jacket and jeans. Please buy them for me, please," Nora cried.

It was both of their plan because they were looking for things on Ace's phone earlier, and Nora liked an outfit. So they made a plan to trick Ace again. Grey is easy to manipulate, but they're still hesitant to act in front of him.

"Baby, I lost my job... Once we get a job, I will buy you everything in my cart. Don't worry," he said, making a sad face. But in reality, they were all pretending when Ace came and stood in front of them.

"Can you please give me my phone, please?" Ace asked politely. For a moment, Tokyo got scared that Ace would throw him out.

""Ummm, he's just being dramatic... We won't look for things on your phone... I-I-I'm sorry. Umm... Yup, please don't throw us out," Nora said, getting scared too. Because even earlier, they tricked a family like this, but just the second day when Nora began to demand things, they threw them out.

"You just need to press this button, and you can order whatever you want," Ace said, showing them how to order.

"N-no, no need... We don't have enough money," Nora said, looking down, trying to control his evil laugh.

"Don't worry, this account is linked with my brother's account, and you being his boyfriend have all rights to spend his money... Don't worry," Ace said, pulling the little guy up onto his lap, looking at Tokyo...

"And don't shop anything for this naughty baby..." Nora made a sad face genuinely this time when Ace spoke.

"I know a wonderful shop nearby. I will buy things for him... Let's go eat some burgers, okay?" Ace asked. Nora just happily smiled widely and kissed the older guy.

"I love you, uncle... I mean brother," Nora said. Laughing, Ace took him out of the house and made him sit behind him. He told his new girlfriend to sit behind Nora.

"Why is this little street guy here? I won't go with him? How dirty he looks, look at his runny nose... it's dirty," the girl said, getting annoyed with Nora...

"He's just a little baby... He's only 6, and we can clean it like this," smiling, Ace cleaned Nora's face when Nora spoke.

"You know, I might be dirty, but you are ugly... I don't like your face... Look at your big bunny teeth... Break up with her, big brother, she's ugly" Nora said, and the girl raised her hands to slap him when Ace held her hands and twisted them.

"Don't dare to touch him. He's my brother, my family... And you are just a nobody... I'm glad I saw your good side on the first day of our relationship... Byeee, enjoy your date," saying that, Ace moved away on his bike with Nora.

"Little baby, now you have to be my girlfriend... You are the reason I had to break up with her," Ace said while driving the bike, and Nora giggled.

""Ok, fine, darling. I will marry you too. Don't you dare touch anyone," Nora said, and both of them laughed as they went to the top of a building where Ace had booked two seats for their date today.

"Where's your girlfriend, Ace? It was a couple's booking, right?" the manager who was one of Ace's friend asked when Ace pulled up Nora with a big smile.

"I broke up with my old girlfriend. Here's the new one. Is he allowed?" Ace asked, and the manager laughed while looking at the cute baby.

"How cute your New girlfriend is?can you be my girlfriend too?Can I kiss you?" the manager uncle asked, and Nora nodded, letting the guy kiss his cheeks.

"You can kiss my cheeks but I can't be your girlfriend, because I m loyal to my little baby" Nora said holding Ace's hands and all of them laughed together Finally
They both sat down and had a great lunch together.
Meanwhile, on the other side, laughing and giggling, Tokyo was repeatedly ordering things and was so happy in his own world when Grey arrived home, excited to meet Tokyo but also angry because around 500,000 baht had been deducted from his account today. It wasn't a very big problem, but it was indeed a significant amount for him, as he wasn't a millionaire who could spend millions.

"Hi, baby... Are you okay?" Grey calmly asked, sitting down in front of Tokyo, who was busy shopping.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Did you bring something to eat?" Tokyo asked, setting his phone aside. Nodding, Grey offered him a box of mini cakes, and Tokyo got so happy that he hugged the guy.

"Thank you so much... You're the best person in the world... I'm happy to be with you," Tokyo said, and Grey just giggled, holding his waist as they hugged.

"Can you not touch me? I mean, I told you that I don't like anyone touching me like this," Grey gently reminded Tokyo. Last night, Grey had tried to kiss Tokyo but accidentally received a slap in return. Tokyo explained that he wasn't currently comfortable with it.

"Okay, fine. Anyways, have you seen Ace? This guy spent half of my salary this month... I need to know what he actually bought. If it's something useless, I will be so mad," Grey said, while Tokyo just looked down, smiling like a fool, and played with his fingers like a baby.

"I-i-i ordered things for me.. don't worry I will pay you back everything I swear" he said looking down..

"Of course not, baby... You're already a billionaire. You don't need to pay me anything. Oh, wait!" Grey went somewhere and came back holding a small box.

"Here are the papers for your mansion, your property papers, and all the money you inherited from your parents."

"Parents? Money? Am I right?"

"I understand that you don't consider them your parents, but that's the truth... They went to prison, except for your sister because she was a minor and had nothing to do with it. And according to your grandmother's will, you've inherited 80% of their property. So basically, you're the owner of around $100 million worth of properties and you have $2 million in your account, which your grandparents saved for you."

"What? $100 million worth of property? And $2 million in money? Can you give it all to me?"

""Hey, it's all yours. Here are your cards and everything. I had them because I was in charge of your case. I'm sorry I lied to you at first," Grey explained. Tokyo, who was lost in his own thoughts, sat down and examined the papers and cards.

"Thank you, thank you so much. But can you please give me 200,000 baht in cash? You can deduct it from my account. I'm rich, you know," Tokyo requested. Nodding, Grey went inside his room and returned with the money.

"Here it is. Why do you need it?" Grey asked curiously. Without saying a word, Tokyo immediately ran away, saying, "I'll be back in a few minutes. Don't worry about me." He dashed out of the house, wearing Grey's slippers, and headed back to his old home where Oscar was about to leave with his wife.

"What happened? Did they kick you out?" Oscar asked, concerned. Tokyo smiled and hugged both Oscar and Olivia.

"I'm rich, I mean, anyways, I'll explain it to you some other day. For now, keep it," Tokyo said, handing Oscar the cash. Oscar looked at it with wide eyes.

"Did you steal it? They will kill you, Tokyo."

""I didn't... Don't worry. Rent a nice apartment and look for a good job. Don't stress about it. And yeah, this is for you," Tokyo said, handing Olivia Grey's jacket.

"How did you get all this?" Olivia asked, sounding concerned. Tokyo simply hugged her.

"I just hit the jackpot... Don't worry, and thank you for everything. Bye!" Tokyo quickly ran back, returning home to find Grey preparing food for them.

"Leave the slippers outside and wash your feet first," Grey instructed as Tokyo was about to enter without taking off the slippers. Tokyo smiled, washed his feet, and sat down at the table to enjoy his meal. Deep down, he was eagerly waiting for Nora to return and share this news with him...

A/N-: i hope you like this chapter...

If you have any confusion, do ask me in comment section or you can text me in inbox too...

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