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It was a regular day at the arcade military school, and everyone had been assigned tasks. Meanwhile, some boys and girls were inside the cold tank, practicing their skills. Among them was Tokyo, who was shivering in the chilly environment. Grey, on the other hand, was cheering him on. After an hour of hard work, Tokyo emerged victorious, and the first thing he did was hug Grey. The other guy patted his back and cheered him up.

"Go dress up, I'm waiting," Grey said, watching Tokyo walk into their room. As he waited, he heard a strange noise coming from the basement area near his room. Without hesitation, he rushed inside and found Tokyo sitting beside his mom's body, while she was yelling out in pain.

"You? What did you do?" Grey exclaimed, shocked. As soon as Tokyo saw Grey, he began to cry, shaking his head and throwing the knife away.

"I didn't do it... I swear... Please trust me... I swear," Tokyo yelled, holding onto her. However, Grey, filled with suspicion, called the cops and mental asylum doctors.

""I-I-I didn't do it... I swear... Please trust me... I swear!" Tokyo yelled, holding onto her, but Grey glared at him and called the cops and mental asylum doctors.

"You deserve a good slap... You really killed your own mother," the lady warden said, almost raising her hands. But Grey immediately held her hands.

"Please, help her and bring her to the hospital," Grey pleaded, and the lady warden reluctantly began to pull her up.

Soon, the mental asylum doctors arrived, and they took Tokyo away, holding him tightly.

"Both of you, take him away," Grey commanded, and Tokyo frowned and began to cry...

"I hate you... I hate you! Why don't you trust me? Why?" Tokyo asked, crying. But with a heavy heart, Grey pushed him away towards a lady and signaled for them to take Tokyo away.

Meanwhile, Grey held onto the lady warden who was taking Jennie with the help of other doctors. Suddenly, Davika and Grey intervened, and more cops arrived on the scene.

"Stop with your drama, Miss Jennie," Grey said, pulling her up by grabbing her hair. The lady winced in pain.

"It's so weird that you're stabbed but still conscious, isn't it, Miss?" Davika asked, trying to control her laughter. Before the lady warden could run away, Grey shot her in the legs.

"Your sister is already suffering, so kindly open your mouth. Don't worry, your husband and daughter are hostages too," he said, showing her the phone. The lady raised her eyebrows in confusion.

"How did you knew my plan?" She asked as she already knew their identity

"Well, for you, we're just military students, but for everyone else, we're special investigation and service officers," Grey explained confidently. "We came here to investigate what you've been doing to your son, Tokyo... Oops, I mean your stepson."

"How... how do you know?" she asked, her voice filled with fear and confusion.

"Yeah, now you're probably wondering how we know he's your stepson," Davika chimed in. "Well, Tokyo's grandfather, Simon Kanawut, was my father. He was also William's godfather. Everything was going fine until two years ago when Tokyo sent a letter to William, revealing that you were trying to make him seem crazy and about all your muder affairs. That's when I informed my friend Grey. At first, we thought Tokyo might be a psycho, but after investigating and gathering evidence, we discovered that you were the one who drove him to madness. You thought you could give him fake medications and get away with it... You turned a sane man into a mad one."

"I'm such a fool... I really regret not keeping a strict eye on you,  But don't worry, I know the laws aren't that cruel for this kind of situation. You can only arrest me for a few months. Unfortunately, Tokyo is out of our hands..."

"Don't worry, we're here to take care of him. He didn't go to a mental asylum, he's just coming to my house. Although he doesn't know it yet, I'll make sure he understands everything. You already know how much he loves me, right?" he said while the lady, desperately trying to escape. But everyone just dragged her into the car. The guy quickly got into his car and called Cindy and Shane to ask about Tokyo.

"Where's he? Did you reach my home? he's ok right? You told him about everything? Don't tell him,let me come first" he asked, anxiously waiting for a response. The other side of the call remained silent...

""They met with an accident. Come to Rainbow Hospital." Those words echoed in his ears, sending shockwaves through his body. In that moment, time seemed to stand still as the cellphone slipped from his trembling hands, crashing to the ground. The world around him blurred as his heart raced with fear and uncertainty.

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