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Roohi quietly left the hall after her conversation with Vivaan and headed to Maahi's room. Finding solace in a corner, she sat down, deep in thought, reminiscing about her past. The room enveloped her in a quiet cocoon as memories flooded her mind.

As the lively music filled the air at the party, Vivaan made his way through the crowd to welcome Armaan and his family. Maahi, standing nearby, couldn't help but notice Armaan's arrival. Their eyes met across the room, and a subtle smile played on their lips.

Vivaan, with his characteristic charm, greeted Armaan and his family warmly. Meanwhile, Akshat approached, and he and Vivaan shared a heartfelt hug, reminiscing about their old batch.

Curiosity gleamed in Maahi's eyes as she approached Vivaan, "Do you and Akshat know each other well?"

Vivaan grinned, "Yeah, we were old batchmates. It's always great to catch up with old friends."

Just then, Yami joined the group, her presence catching everyone's attention. Her eyes met Akshat's, but she chose to ignore him. Maahi, sensing the tension, decided to change the topic, "Yami, have you met Armaan and his family?"

Yami nodded, "Briefly, but I should catch up with Maahi. Excuse us." She and Maahi gracefully exited the gathering, leaving the trio of Vivaan, Akshat, and Armaan.

Vivaan, realizing he had a call to attend, excused himself with a smile, "I'll be right back, gentlemen. Enjoy the party." As he stepped away.

As Vivaan discussed important matters on a call his eyes wandered and caught sight of Roohi sitting quietly in the corner of Maahi's room. Concern etched on his face, he swiftly ended the call and approached her.

Vivaan: Roohi, is everything okay?

Roohi looks up, startled, but manages a faint smile.

Roohi: Yeah, just needed some fresh air.

Vivaan takes a seat beside her, sensing something more.

Vivaan: You seemed lost back there. Is something on your mind?

Roohi: please, please, just leave . I can't stand to look at you right now.

Vivaan: But what happened Roohi??? You can share with me!! I'm your friend right?

Roohi: leave me alone. That's you are best at anyway.

Vivaan:What did I do? Why are you so angry?

Roohi: (sarcastically) Oh, don't play innocent with me. You know exactly what you did.

Vivaan: (bewildered) No, I really don't. Can you please tell me?

Roohi: (rolls eyes) Typical. You never get it. It's like you live in your own world.

Vivaan: please be clear!

Roohi: forgot how you left me??? When I needed you the most?

Roohi, Maahi, and Vivaan formed a close friendship during their school days. Despite the age difference, Vivaan and Roohi shared a special connection. Vivaan, being in 11th grade, and Roohi and Maahi in 8th grade, always stuck together through thick and thin. Roohi developed feelings for Vivaan, but it wasn't reciprocated in the same way.

One day, a new girl named Aditi Sharma joined their school, capturing everyone's attention with her beauty. Vivaan, too, noticed Aditi and found himself drawn to her. They ended up in the same class, and Vivaan was assigned by the class teacher to help Aditi with her academics. This brought them closer, leading to a new bond between Vivaan and Aditi.
As Vivaan and Aditi grew closer, Roohi began to feel a sense of jealousy. Plans that Roohi, Maahi, and Vivaan had together were often disrupted by Vivaan's late arrivals or his absence due to spending time with Aditi. Vivaan seemed unaware of Roohi's feelings, as he was immersed in his developing connection with Aditi. Roohi, deeply in love, longed for Vivaan's companionship, but Vivaan remained unaware of the depth of her emotions.
Roohi, burdened by her unspoken feelings for Vivaan, faced a tragic turn of events when her mother went through a painful delivery, resulting in the loss of the newborn. Devastated by the loss of her brother, Roohi struggled with the emotional toll. Maahi rushed to support Roohi during this difficult time, offering solace and trying to console her.

In her grief, Roohi longed for Vivaan's presence, expecting him to be there for her. Unfortunately, Vivaan, unaware of the situation, remained occupied with Aditi. Roohi, turning to Maahi for help, discovered Vivaan was unreachable and oblivious to the heartbreaking news.
After sometime When Vivaan got this news, he immediately left from there.

Roohi's tear-stained face revealed the pain she had been through. As Vivaan entered, the air grew heavy with tension. Roohi's anger erupted, "Why were you always late, Vivaan? Do you even realize how much I needed you?"

Vivaan, feeling the weight of guilt, stayed silent. Roohi's frustration escalated, "Why make me feel unwanted? Weren't we supposed to be there for each other? Friends share everything, but you're never around!"

Vivaan, remorseful, struggled to find words. Roohi's tears flowed as she poured out her emotions, "Aren't we the ones who stuck together through ups and downs? But where were you when I needed you the most?"

Attempting to console Roohi, Vivaan softly said, "Roohi, I... I didn't know. I'm sorry."

Roohi, overwhelmed with grief and anger, snapped, "Get the hell out of here, Vivaan! Just leave, please!" The room echoed with her pain as Vivaan, filled with regret, left, knowing he had failed his friend when she needed him the most.
As Vivaan left, tears streamed down his face, feeling the weight of failing as a friend when Roohi needed him the most. Days passed without them crossing paths. Meanwhile, Maahi pleaded with Vivaan to stay and support Roohi, but his guilt held him back. With Aditi moving to Amsterdam, Vivaan decided to follow suit, seeking his father's approval.

Maahi, enraged by Vivaan's decision to leave for a girl, confronted him as he prepared to depart for the airport. Roohi, heartbroken upon hearing the news, confronted Vivaan, pouring out her feelings. "Don't you know how I feel about you? Don't you care about me? After everything, you're just leaving me like this?" Vivaan remained silent, unable to answer Roohi's questions. She pressed on, asking if Aditi meant more to him than their friendship, but Vivaan offered no response.

In silence, Vivaan left for the airport, leaving Roohi shattered and in tears. Maahi stood by her, offering solace and apologizing for Vivaan's actions, remaining a pillar of support during her time of heartbreak.
Just then, Maahi enters the room, sensing the depth of the conversation.

Maahi: (curious) Am I interrupting something?

Roohi, fueled by anger, tried to leave with Maahi, but Vivaan gently held her hand, seeking a moment to explain. "I know I messed up, Roohi. What I did wasn't being a good friend," he confessed, his eyes reflecting regret.

Roohi, determined to move on, attempted to pull her hand away, stating, "It doesn't matter anymore. You've done what you wanted to do, and now I'll do what I need to do."

Vivaan felt the weight of his actions, realizing he had let down a dear friend. Thoughts raced through his mind as he considered returning from Amsterdam, a desire to rebuild the unbreakable bond with Roohi. Despite the heavy silence, he vowed to himself that he would work to regain Roohi's trust and salvage their friendship.
Roohi left the room and sought solace in the washroom, tears streaming down her face. Maahi, understanding her pain, approached quietly from behind, offering a comforting presence and trying to console Roohi in her moment .

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21 ⏰

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